INDEX build failed with errors: Generating INDEX-8 - please wait..clang: not found Done. Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_4
Committers on the hook: brooks eadler jgh pawel rene Most recent SVN update was: Updating '.': UU editors/mode-info/Makefile U mail/dspam/Makefile U mail/milter-skem/Makefile U devel/tortoisehg2/distinfo UU devel/tortoisehg2/pkg-plist U devel/tortoisehg2/Makefile U audio/cheesetracker/Makefile U net/cvsup/Makefile U net/openmpi/pkg-plist U net/openmpi/Makefile A net/openmpi/files/ A net/openmpi/files/ U net/cvsup-without-gui/Makefile D sysutils/sge62 U sysutils/Makefile U MOVED D lang/elisp-manual U lang/Makefile U misc/compat6x/distinfo Updated to revision 320021. _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""