On Sat, 11 May 2013 14:59:46 +0100
"N.J. Mann" <n...@njm.me.uk> wrote:

> In message <20130511115228.gc94...@titania.njm.me.uk>,
>       N.J. Mann (n...@njm.me.uk) wrote:
> > In message <518e2913.5040...@hayers.org>,
> >     Gary J. Hayers (g...@hayers.org) wrote:
> > > I've been getting this with varying ports for some time now,
> > > sometimes I've had to manually fetch the distfiles.
> > 
> > I am sorry to hear this, but glad I am not the only one.  :-)
> > 
> > The files I have had to manually fetch are:
> > 
> > libgcrypt-1.5.2.tar.bz2
> > libassuan-2.0.3.tar.bz2
> > libassuan-2.0.3.tar.bz2.sig
> > libksba-1.3.0.tar.bz2
> > libksba-1.3.0.tar.bz2.sig
> > gnupg-2.0.19.tar.bz2
> > gnupg-2.0.19.tar.bz2.sig
> > gnupg-2.0.20.tar.bz2
> > gnupg-2.0.20.tar.bz2.sig
> I now know why I get HTML files when trying to fetch these distfiles.
> The common factor is that they all use HTTP rather FTP for fetching.
> For HTTP fetches my ISP (British Telecom, aka BT) will display a
> "helpful" 'sorry no one at home' web page when the fetch fails, and
> that is what I end up with in the distfile.  Thankfully, this 'nice'
> feature can be disabled.  Once disabled 'make fetch' does its job of
> trying the next site after the failure and the proper file(s) are
> downloaded.
> I do not know whether other ISPs do something similar, does anyone?  I
> wonder whether FTP sites should be listed before HTTP ones?
> Cheers,
>        Nick.

Hi Nick,

Besides the fact that ISPs really shouldn't interfere with your HTTP
traffic in that way (terrible!), preferring FTP sounds like a bad idea,
since it's a lot more complicated protocol and therefore more
likely to fail in limited network setups. There are a couple of
possible solutions, some more useful than others.

1. Avoid ISPs that break your traffic.
   Caveat: Sometimes you have no choice.
2. Use HTTPS whenever possible, so that certificate checking can take
   place and stop you from downloading broken files in the first place.
   (there's a patch to fetch I'm working on with des that will
   hopefully make it to base soon).
   Caveat: Not every project provides an SSL enabled source, lots of
   ports need to be adapted, never near 100%.
3. Modify the ports framework, so you can set an environment/config
   variable like PREFER_HTTP or PREFER_FTP.
   Caveat: It's work and not *that* useful.
4. Modify the ports framework, so it tries the next download location
   in case there is a file size or checksum mismatch.
   Caveat: Requires effort.

IMHO implementing 4 would make a lot sense to compensate for broken

In the meantime, as a workaround, you could set


(or any other unused port on your system)

That way fetch fails on all HTTP sites and therefore effectively
uses FTP instead.


Michael Gmelin
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