On 30/03/2013 13:17, Robert Huff wrote:

>       Am I too much of a zombie this morning, or is there nothing in
> the man page about how to do this?

That's not functionality provided by pkgng at the moment, although pkgng
certainly has all the necessary data in repository catalogues etc. to be
able to sort a list of package origins with all dependencies occurring
before what requires them.  No one has implemented that yet.

However, pkg_sort(1) is part of portupgrade, and portupgrade should be
fully pkgng aware nowadays.  Did you try just using pkg_sort?

If that doesn't work, then Bryan should be informed.  If you'ld like
something to be changed about either portupgrade or pkgng in respect to
this, then please open an issue --


Issues with accompanying pull requests are our favourites, but we're
happy to get feedback or problem reports without attached patches too.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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