----- Original Message -----
> On 6 March 2013 21:32, Lawrence K. Chen, P.Eng. <lkc...@ksu.edu>
> wrote:
> > Doesn't the old advice of adding, something like
> >
> > REFUSE audio/oss
> >
> > to /etc/portsnap.conf still work?
> I hope I haven't upset anyone with the change in behaviour, but I
> need
> to reiterate that portdowngrade no longer touches the ports tree-- it
> simply provides a port skeleton in the current directory.
> Therefore, this is no longer a problem.
> Chris

Except I don't know of another way to downgrade a port to work with other 
ports....perhaps there's a way in portmaster.rc that I haven't stumbled upon 
yet.  I know I had something in pkgtools.conf at one time to prevent virtualbox 
from upgrading (has istgt been updated to work with the current virtualbox yet? 
Have since removed istgt....)

Forget what the other time that I used portdowngrade....something to do with 
X11 I think, which was resolved by rebuilding with "WITH_NEW_XORG=YES" in my 

OTOH, there are parts of my ports tree that I have to remember to 'update' 
after a 'portsnap update'....like www/chromium

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