On 03/05/13 02:27, Ruslan Makhmatkhanov wrote:

Joseph A. Nagy, Jr wrote on 05.03.2013 11:43:
python@ CC'd as listed maintainer for py-sqlite3, please reply-all or
make sure I am CC'd in all responses as I'm not subscribed to python@.

I can't reproduce. I had libffi-3.0.11 and just updated it to 3.0.12.
Then tried to build py-sqlite3 - no errors. Checked with pkg_libchk - no
port that missing old libffi library. So I believe that you failed to
follow UPDATING:20130128 in it's time.
Right now you may rebuild python to fix that, and check your installed
ports with ``pkg_libchk -q'' (from sysutils/bsdadminscripts) to get the
list of ports you need to rebuild.

I've rebuilt python2.7 several times (trying to figure out why gpodder won't launch anymore), but I will give it a go according to the UPDATING instructions as that may very well be the case. Thanks for the response.

Yours in Christ,

Joseph A Nagy Jr
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