Hi John,

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:00:18 +0100, John Marino writes:
>On 2/20/2013 12:46, Chris Rees wrote:
>> Simon Gerraty has cleverly written some sed magic that makes the ports
>> tree work with bmake.

There is also a patch for Mk/bsd.port.mk

>> Hopefully it'll be ready at some point, but major testing will be
>> required, since the ports tree has other weird behaviours of pmake that
>> it relies on.

FWIW I've been using the "patch" at 


for several months without problem.
I've only built a hundred or so ports, as I don't have a machine up to
building everything.   Which is why an exp-run or similar is needed. 

FWIW I've tested the above on a stock 7.4 release up to current.

I just updated my ports tree and re-applied the above (and
built/installed something from it).  

>> I'm sure he'll announce when it's ready and we can get testing, but for
>> the meantime I honestly wouldn't try it unless you enjoy debugging very
>> weird errors!

I've updated ports2bmake.tar.gz - a bit more info in the README and more
feedback from the ports2bmake script.

I would appreciate anyone interested giving it a try, and letting me
know if they encounter problems.

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