On 2013-02-18 16:22, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
On 2013-02-16 08:06, Chris Rees wrote:
I think you may have some luck installing an up to date make(1) and
dialog(1) (or set NO_DIALOG=yes in make.conf) from stable/9 or
similar; many of the problems on 6 are caused by missing variable

I built and installed make from a RELENG_8_3 src tree.
Getting dialog was a bit harder because it requires libdialog and
libncurses.  I built a static-linked dialog on an RELENG_8_3 box and
dropped that in place.

Actually it appears the dialog binary doesn't work at all because I forgot the 6.x can't run an 8.x binary. Without a working dialog binary, the ports system silently fails. I did a make config on a port and it just gave me "options unchanged" and completed the config target without giving an error.

Make (even with an 8.3 make) complains of malformed conditionals in the src/gnu subtree, so I'm stuck on that one until I have time to dig. Reverting /usr/bin/dialog to the RELENG_6 binary makes config dialogs in ports work just fine.

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