> We also do support the same kind of things :) > First set NO_DIALOG=yes in make.conf and you are done with the dialog thing :)
> second you can do the follow: > OPTIONS_SET= NLS NCURSES GTK2 X11 > OPTIONS_UNSET= QT4 > msmtp_SET= IDN > msmtp is the ${UNIQUENAME} obtained from make -VUNIQUENAME in the > /usr/ports/mail/msmtp > make showconfig should show you all the opitons > Concerning the mail/mpop is was a bug in options conversion which is fixed now > regards, > BApt > Does that mean I can set an individual port option by > ${UNIQUENAME}_SET= option(s)-to-set and unset by using UNSET in place of SET? I fixed the Makefile bug in mpop even before I got your message, and rebuilt mpop successfully. Then "portsnap fetch update" did not get the fixed version. Does that mean I should switch to svn from portsnap for ports? That would provide one-stop shopping for ports, doc and src. In the Makefile, # New ports collection makefile for: mpop # Date created: 2009-10-24 # Whom: Sylvio Cesar <syl...@freebsd.org> # # $FreeBSD: ports/mail/mpop/Makefile,v 1.13 2013/02/05 16:54:23 svnexp Exp $ # PORTNAME= mpop PORTVERSION= 1.0.27 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= mail MASTER_SITES= SF MAINTAINER= syl...@freebsd.org COMMENT= MPOP is a small and fast POP3 client LIB_DEPENDS= idn.17:${PORTSDIR}/dns/libidn OPTIONS_DEFINE= GNUTLS GSASL GNUTLS_DESC= GNUTLS Enable gnuTLS support GSASL_DESC= GSASL GNU SASL authentication support OPTIONS_DEFINE= NLS USE_BZIP2= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libidn MAN1= mpop.1 INFO= mpop .include <bsd.port.options.mk> .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGNUTLS} LIB_DEPENDS+= gnutls.26:${PORTSDIR}/security/gnutls CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ssl=gnutls .else USE_OPENSSL= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ssl=openssl .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGSASL} LIB_DEPENDS+= gsasl.16:${PORTSDIR}/security/gsasl .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-libgsasl-prefix .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS} USE_GETTEXT= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-nls PLIST_SUB= NLS="" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-nls PLIST_SUB= NLS="@comment " .endif .include <bsd.port.mk> (end of Makefile) I figured the line OPTIONS_DEFINE= NLS wiped out the previous OPTIONS_DEFINE= GNUTLS GSASL and changed = to += That worked. Tom _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"