On 16 January 2013 20:48, Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com> wrote:
> On 11 September 2012 12:13, Olivier Smedts <oliv...@gid0.org> wrote:
>> 2012/9/4 Bryan Drewery <br...@shatow.net>:
>>>> My proposal:
>>>> - start an exp-run with FORCE_MAKE_JOBS set
>>>> - mark all new failures with MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE
>>>> - flip the default right after the 9.1 release.
> ...
> It has been months since I sent this mail without any official reply
> whatsoever.   At this point the exp-run machines are down and not
> likely to return in the *near* future.
> Can I propose that this flag be flipped without an exp-run and fix the
> fallout?   It has been widely tested and has had exp-runs in the past.

I think this would be extremely hard to justify, given that the ports
tree is a live entity.  We would effectively be asking our end users
to debug MAKE_JOBS.  This is not acceptable; we can't plan to have

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