
I'm testing the new pkgng from 10-CURRENT but it seems to not having an
option for forcing registering a package. I have got a lot texlive-*
packages (more than 1000) but I cannot upgrade them, I still got:

Installing [pkg_name]: [pkg_name] conflicts with [other_pkg_name]
(installs files into the same place)

Googling through "(installs files into the same place)" shows that a lot
of people have such a problem with other ports. So I wonder why there is
no an option to force registering a port?

Below is a small patch for pkg, after setting FORCE_PKG_REGISTER env
variable you can force registering a port. May it should be other var


--- pkg-1.0.3.oryginal/libpkg/pkgdb.c   2012-12-12 11:19:29.000000000 +0100
+++ pkg-1.0.3/libpkg/pkgdb.c    2012-12-12 11:33:05.000000000 +0100
@@ -1795,9 +1795,12 @@
        lic_t licenselogic;
        int64_t flatsize;
        int64_t i;
+       bool force_register;

        assert(db != NULL);

+       force_register = (getenv("FORCE_PKG_REGISTER") != 0);
        if (pkg_is_valid(pkg) != EPKG_OK) {
                pkg_emit_error("the package is not valid");
                return (EPKG_FATAL);
@@ -1872,7 +1875,7 @@
                const char *pkg_sum = pkg_file_cksum(file);

                ret = run_prstmt(FILES, pkg_path, pkg_sum, package_id);
-               if (ret == SQLITE_DONE)
+               if (force_register || ret == SQLITE_DONE)
                if (ret != SQLITE_CONSTRAINT) {

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