On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Matthew Seaman
<m.sea...@infracaninophile.co.uk> wrote:
> On 02/12/2012 09:32, Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:
>>> If you're running 2.9 OPTIONSng should be handled correctly.  It
>>> > doesn't matter much: the exact format of the OPTIONS variables
>>> > doesn't make much difference to building the INDEX, only detecting
>>> > when they've been changed.
>>  # pkg info p5-FreeBSD-Portindex
>> p5-FreeBSD-Portindex-2.9       Incremental FreeBSD ports INDEX file 
>> generation
>> So what exactly are you checking WRT option files?
> Basically, just the timestamp on the file.  If it's newer than the last
> time cache-update was run, then the corresponding port needs rechecking.
> Or if there is a new options file.  The 'unknown options file' error
> comes about by comparing the makefiles included from the ports with the
> contents of the /var/db/ports directory.
> ... and thinking about it, after the benefit of sufficient coffee, it's
> now clear to me that logic is incorrect: it can't distinguish between a
> newly created options file and a leftover from a removed port.
> Does no harm, but won't work out that because there's a new options file
> at least one port needs rechecking, or identify the port(s) to recheck.
>  I should fix that.
>         Cheers,
>         Matthew

Hi Matthew,

With the latest 3.0 version of p5-FreeBSD-PortIndex I get an error at
the end of portindex run:

Accumulating dependency information:
locate object method "accumulate_dependencies" via package
"FreeBSD::Portindex::Category" at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/FreeBSD/Portindex/Tree.pm line

No INDEX file is generated.

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