Resurrecting an old thread because I've just run into this problem...

[postfix dies with a "Protocol not supported" when built in a jail
 without an IPv6 address]

On 2011-Nov-17 15:41:12 -0500, Wietse Venema <> wrote:
>A more proactive workaround would be to treat "protocol not supported"
>as a non-fatal error, just like "address family not supported" is.
>Please let me know if this works in the build cluster. It will log
>a warning but that should be justfied, because the system does have
>an abnormal configuration.
>       Wietse
>*** src/util/inet_proto.c-     Tue Jan  8 15:36:13 2008
>--- src/util/inet_proto.c      Thu Nov 17 08:49:31 2011
>*** 219,225 ****
>           pf->dns_atype_list = make_unsigned_vector(3, T_A, T_AAAA, 0);
>           pf->sa_family_list = make_uchar_vector(3, AF_INET, AF_INET6, 0);
>           break;
>!      } else if (errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) {
>           msg_warn("%s: IPv6 support is disabled: %m", context);
>           msg_warn("%s: configuring for IPv4 support only", context);
>           /* FALLTHROUGH */
>--- 219,225 ----
>           pf->dns_atype_list = make_unsigned_vector(3, T_A, T_AAAA, 0);
>           pf->sa_family_list = make_uchar_vector(3, AF_INET, AF_INET6, 0);
>           break;
>!      } else if (errno == EAFNOSUPPORT || errno == EPROTONOSUPPORT) {
>           msg_warn("%s: IPv6 support is disabled: %m", context);
>           msg_warn("%s: configuring for IPv4 support only", context);
>           /* FALLTHROUGH */

I've just bumped into this exact situation with mail/postfix28 and
suspect that earlier postfix ports have the same issue.  The above fix
works on postfix28 and I would request that it be added to that port's
patch list.  Since this is a workaround for a FreeBSD-specific issue,
I don't believe it's reasonable to expect Wietse to patch old postfix
variants to work around it.

Peter Jeremy

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