* Kevin Oberman <kob6...@gmail.com> [2012-10-27 12:43 -0400]:
> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 7:27 AM, David J. Weller-Fahy 
> <dave-lists-freebsd-po...@weller-fahy.com> wrote:
> > I assume one would notice by having distfiles downloaded again the
> > next time you needed to build the software, right?
> More important to me is that distfiles will occasionally be pulled and
> become unfetchable.

Oooo... yeah, that would stink.

> Still, I'll admit that it is not generally a problem, but I have been
> bitten and "once bitten, twice shy'.

Indeed, there are many things which fall into that category with me,
this just ain't one of them. ;) Thanks to your nudge, though, I may be
changing my ways... although, as a hobbiest, at worst I boot up a VM of
FreeBSD and access the drives until I can fix it (no work of mine
depends on FreeBSD, I don't have the option).

dave [ please don't CC me ]

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