Jeremy Messenger wrote:


I have made suggests on what to do. Please contact with A.J. Kehoe IV.
I suggested him to create a team to work on get rid of HAVE_GNOME. He
even has created a wiki page about it at

A.J. Kehoe IV, sorry, my time is very limit right now. Maybe now you
will have more people that can help you after this email. Who knows.


No problem, Mezz.  My availability has also been very limited lately, which is 
why I've been so quiet.

I just have a few questions:

1. Is the GitHub repository that you're 
using?  I didn't see a link to it on any of the FreeBSD GNOME pages.

2. Are the patches for the WANT_GNOME decommission project expected to go into 
the MarcusCom CVS repository as an intermediate step before they're submitted 
to the FreeBSD Ports Collection?

3. To where should I/we send the anti-WANT_GNOME patches?  Should these go to or

4. Can someone give me (AJKehoe) write access to my personal home page on the 
FreeBSD Wiki (

It's going to be at least another month until I'll have time for this, so I'm 
in no rush for a reply.  Thanks in advance!

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