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As far as I'm concerned, the commiters will take care of this when
they need to. Leaving current port headers in-tact is the best way to
go regardless of this discussion...

On 09/01/2012 10:00 PM, Thomas Abthorpe wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 01, 2012 at 06:42:57AM +0000, Thomas Abthorpe wrote:
>> An idea has been floating around for some time, and it was
>> brought up again on the ports@ mailing list recently, please
>> remove the extraneous header information from the Makefile,
>> leaving only the $FreeBSD$ id on the first line.
>> It is an idea that is long overdue, so from now on, the other
>> fives lines shall be removed.
>> We do request that this be done sparingly in the short term, as
>> we do not want to cause any additional churn on the repo as we
>> approach our upcoming Ports Feature Freeze, still tentatively
>> scheduled for September 7.
>> So please proceed only on existing updates. Please do not do any
>> sweeping commits until we have the ports tree stablised post 9.1
>> tagging. Also bear in mind that Redports/QAT queues a job for
>> every change done to a Makefile, we do not want to overburden the
>> QAT at this time. It is important to allow this service to run at
>> peek efficiency at this time to ensure it's full potential as we
>> approach the upcoming Feature Freeze.
>> The new look of the Makefile has been document in the Porter's
>> Handbook, 
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/quick-porting.html#PORTING-MAKEFILE.
The next item on the todo list is to update devel/newfile for those that do
>> a port create.
>> Thomas on behalf of portmgr@
>> http://blogs.freebsdish.org/portmgr/2012/09/01/change-to-the-header-in-ports-makefiles/
> Cease fire on stripping header information.
> Seems there is more to the issue that we will need to resolved
> before we proceed, so please update ports normally, please leave
> the header intact.
> If you have already stripped some headers, leave it alone for now.
> Thomas
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