On 2012-09-01 21:06, Waitman Gobble wrote:
> olli hauer <oha...@gmx.de> wrote ..
>> On 2012-09-01 20:28, Waitman Gobble wrote:
>>> Olli Hauer <oha...@freebsd.org> wrote ..
>>>> On 2012-09-01 19:45, Waitman Gobble wrote:
>>>>> Olli Hauer <oha...@freebsd.org> wrote ..
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I need some testers specially on 9/10-current to test the www/apache22
>>>>>> optionsNG rewrite.
>>>>>> I have a report from a 10-current user where we see a make regression, 
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> it is not clear if the regression is in make or the ports framework
>>>>>> therefore I need some more testers.
>>>>>> What does the patch address
>>>>>>  - optons NG rewrite of bsd.apache.mk and apache22
>>>>>>  - rename port to apache22 so we have no conflicts with upcoming apache24
>>>>>>    (pkg install apache22)
>>>>>>  - apr/apr-util specific options are gone, apr/apu-util will be used now
>>>>>>    to control the build (THREADS, PGSQL, MYSQL ...)
>>>>>>  - PR 130479
>>>>>>  - PR 153406
>>>>>>  - PR 158565
>>>>>>  - PR 167965
>>>>>>  - PR 168769
>>>>>>  - PR 165143
>>>>>>    devel/apr1 long outstanding update and removal of PKGNAMESUFFIX
>>>>>> The patch should be applied from /usr/ports
>>>>>> (contains fixes for Mk/ www/ and devel/ )
>>>>>> http://people.freebsd.org/~ohauer/diffs/apache/apache22_optionsNG_2012-09-01.diff
>>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>>>  olli
>>>>> Hi Olli,
>>>>> Looks like there have been quite a few updates since 8/11, last time I did
>> a
>>>> rebuild. Patch didn't work on my src...
>>>>> I'll take some time tomorrow to csup and rebuild and try out your patch.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> I haven't tested the patches against csup ports there the $FreeBSD$ header 
>>>> is
>> different,
>>>> so I just shaped a tar archive.
>>>> http://people.freebsd.org/~ohauer/diffs/apache/apache22_optNG.tar.bz2
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> olli
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>>> Thanks, 
>>> I tried the following, no issues. 
>>> machine - 
>>> # uname -a
>>> FreeBSD hunny.waitman.net 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sat Aug 11 
>>> 13:25:18
>> PDT 2012     r...@hunny.waitman.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KEYSHIA  amd64
>>> I did not previously have www/apache22 installed on this machine.
>>> replace devel/apr1 www/apache22 Mk/bsd.apache.mk
>>> # cd /usr/ports/www/apache22
>>> # make -- OK
>>> # make install -- OK
>>> # make package -- OK
>>> # make deinstall -- OK
>>> # pkg_add apache22-2.2.22_7.tbz -- OK
>>> # make deinstall -- OK
>>> # pkg_add apache22-2.2.22_7.tbz -- OK
>>> # pkg_delete apache22-2.2.22_7 -- OK
>>> # make install -- OK
>>> # make readme -- OK
>>> # kldload accf_http
>>> # /usr/local/sbin/apachectl start -- OK
>>> # wget http://localhost
>>> --2012-09-01 11:23:22--  http://localhost/
>>> Resolving localhost (localhost)..., ::1
>>> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:80... connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>>> Length: 44 [text/html]
>>> Saving to: `index.html'
>>> 100%[======================================>] 44          --.-K/s   in 0s   
>>> 2012-09-01 11:23:22 (6.60 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [44/44]
>>> # cat index.html 
>>> <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
>>> Is there anything you'd like me to test?
>>> I have another machine sitting here running 9 I can test if you like. But 
>>> it's
>> busy for the day transcoding a boatload of video, so I can do that one 
>> tomorrow
>> if you likes.
>>> # uname -a
>>> FreeBSD kamira.waitman.net 9.1-RC1 FreeBSD 9.1-RC1 #0: Tue Aug 14 04:25:06 
>>> UTC
>> 2012     r...@farrell.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>> Hm yes, we found on a 10-current system a regression in case ALIAS, 
>> VHOST_ALIAS was selected.
>> As soon you hit OK in 'make config' the line
>>  OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=ALIAS changed to
>>  OPTIONS_FILE_UNSET+=ALIAS in /var/db/ports/apache22/options
>> Will be nice if you could 'grep ALIAS /var/db/ports/apache22/options'
>> Adjust with 'make config' and grep again (or save the option file and do a 
>> diff)
>> We investigate at the moment if this was a specific 10-current issue or an 
>> issue
>> in the ports/options/apache framework.
>> (but this will take some time longer because of 10 hours tz difference)
>> Thanks,
>> olli
> OK, I can do that... BUT those three options were 'already' selected when i 
> did the test... 

snip ...

So it seems more and more the reported issue is a local one.

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