Am 26.08.2012 07:40, schrieb Jim Pazarena:
> My question is a general one, with the following specific example.
> I wanted to re-compile the latest phpmyadmin
> but when I tried that, I get a "you must have the latest php5" (5.4.6)
> when I try php5
> I get a dependency of devel/pkgconf
> when I compile pkgconf, it conflicts with devel/pkg-config
> Upon investigation it looks like pkg-config is replaced with pkgconf
> however attempting to remove it show dozens of dependencies preventing
> the removal.
> I find this series of challenges frequently as installs move along
> in age, and usually wind up re-loading the entire server to beat the
> challenge.
> There must be an easier way. Advice would be greatly appreciated.

Beyond what Matthew stated, use an upgrade tool, and do not do upgrades
manually.  I found that (a) using portmaster, while at the same time (b)
watching /usr/ports/UPGRADING has given me smooth upgrades.

portmaster sorts out the "if a requisite port was upgraded, rebuild it
first" and the dependency management hassles.

There are other tools that I have less experience with.  I stopped using
portupgrade a while ago, but now that it has got a new active
maintainer, chances are that a new attempt is worthwhile.
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