(Note: an HTML version of this report is available at http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi?category=ports .)
The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users. These represent problem reports covering all versions including experimental development code and obsolete releases. S Tracker Resp. Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o ports/171112 [patch] games/simutrans: version 111.3.1 o ports/171111 [MAINTAINER] japanese/libskk: update to 1.0.0 o ports/171109 [MAINTAINER] devel/gdb: Fix several issues in the last o ports/171106 New Port: net/jdownloader - Download manager (java) o ports/171100 [MAINTAINER] japanese/jd: update to 2.8.5 o ports/171097 [NEW PORT] games/iceicepenguin: Remake of an old SEGA f ports/171086 [patch] devel/gdb: various fixes o ports/171080 DOS vulnerability in net-p2p/bitcoin and bitcoind - CV o ports/171079 graphics/rawtherapee hangs x11 o ports/171020 science/isis3: New port: USGS ISIS3 planetary mapping o ports/171019 science/isis3: New port: USGS ISIS3 planetary mapping o ports/171017 astro/cspice: New scientific port: NASA/NAIF SPICE C r o ports/171015 [patch] Tidying sysutils/bsdstats o ports/170995 [PATCH] games/ttt: [SUMMARIZE CHANGES], take maintaine o ports/170993 New port: mail/roundcube-automatic_addressbook for rou o ports/170989 typographical and grammatical adjustments to bsd.optio f ports/170986 audio/mpdas: small fix in rc-script o ports/170946 [patch] mark certain ports broken on ARM o ports/170941 [NEW PORT] games/brickout: A ball-and-paddle game wher o ports/170939 [NEW PORT] games/popstar: Simple puzzle game involving o ports/170918 [NEW PORT] games/entombed: A one- or two-player maze g f ports/170901 x11-fonts/tolkien-ttf: fix MASTER_SITES o ports/170898 [PATCH] games/bugsquish: Makefile changed, take mainta o ports/170887 [NEW PORT] games/fightorperish: A dungeon-crawling gam o ports/170857 New port mail/roundcube-automatic_addressbook for roun o ports/170837 [NEW PORT] games/vectoroids: Vector-based rock-shootin o ports/170836 [NEW PORT] games/agendaroids: Vector-based rock-shooti o ports/170835 net/ifstated fails to build because of incorrect lib d o ports/170823 multimedia/podcastdl new port o ports/170819 New port: net-mgmt/UniFi UniFi Wireless Controller o ports/170779 New port: devel/edbg An ollydbg-like debugger based on o ports/170777 [PATCH] Not LIBS but LDFLAGS in Makefile of lang/ruby f ports/170773 sysutils/bacula-server overlaps with sysutils/backula- o ports/170735 Update multimedia/mplayer and mencoder to a recent sna o ports/170730 multimedia/mplayer-skins plist generation under pkgng f ports/170723 [patch] x11-wm/dwm: add optional Xft support o ports/170704 [NEW PORT] games/patapizza-tetris: An unofficial clone o ports/170695 sysutils/fusefs-ntfs - instant reboot when mv from UFS o ports/170682 [NEW PORT] graphics/puckman: An unofficial clone of th o ports/170666 New port: graphics/nomacs simple image viewer o ports/170662 [NEW PORT] devel/pymunk: A easy-to-use pythonic 2d phy o ports/170661 [NEW PORT] graphics/py27-pyglet-devel: Cross-platform f ports/170641 x11-toolkits/open-motif: need mkcatdefs utility f ports/170626 x11-toolkits/open-motif: X11/extensions/XPrint.h is no o ports/170616 gpk-update-viewer f ports/170610 [update]: textproc/ctpp2 up to new version f ports/170542 sysutils/bsdadminscripts does not build correctly in m f ports/170538 x11-wm/enlightenment build breaks f ports/170537 devel/libftdi seems broken on i386 and amd64 f ports/170524 devel/ding-libs fails to build in tinderbox f ports/170502 security/sssd failed to connect Ldap server without SA o ports/170492 [REPOCOPY] devel/gwenhywfar -> devel/gwenhywfar-{fox16 f ports/170473 [patch] audio/alsa-plugins: disable ARIFF_OSS by defau o ports/170467 Unintended effect of /usr/local/include/base64.h in bu f ports/170457 [patch] audio/alsa-lib: implicit declaration of calloc o ports/170448 [NEW PORT] devel/allegro5: Allegro 5 is a game program f ports/170381 x11/slim window manager gives dbus errors starting xfc f ports/170366 lang/libobjc2: update to 1.6.1 f ports/170365 Patch updating finance/trytond from version 1.4.7 to 2 f ports/170357 net-mgmt/tcptrack Segmentation fault (core dumped) f ports/170344 [UPDATE] net/tcpflow: update to 1.2.8, take maintainer f ports/170339 www/node: segmentation violation in v8::internal::Hand o ports/170336 New port: textproc/confetti Configuration file parser o ports/170242 [PATCH] devel/arduino: fix avr-libc SIG_USART1_RECV is o ports/170241 [PATCH] devel/libftdi: upgrade to 0.20 and fix automak o ports/170229 sysutils/ntfsprogs is in conflict with sysutils/fusefs f ports/170186 Update sysutils/modules to version 3.2.9 o ports/170185 sysutils/mgeupsd not correctly works. o ports/170180 [patch] Mk/bsd.options.mk allow make.conf and command o ports/170104 error setting source interface in net/mcast-tools, net o ports/170100 astro/orsa: version 0.7.0 in ports hopelessly outdated f ports/170089 chinese/ibus-chewing 1.3.10 can't be compiled with ibu o ports/170016 net/liveMedia: update to 2012.07.18 release o ports/170000 emulators/vmware-tools6: Can not install VMware Tools f ports/169876 devel/flyspray: Strict Standards: Non-static method Fl o ports/169861 new port: audio/bristol, Bristol Synthesiser Emulation f ports/169770 [patch] audio/alsa-lib: make async handler work (from f ports/169767 audio/alsa-plugins: desync with oss plugin o ports/169741 [new port] devel/visualparadigm f ports/169716 net-mgmt/ndpmon several problems with build and instal o ports/169687 new port: www/xpi-ghostery o ports/169628 sysutils/devcpu-data f ports/169613 security/botan: Fix ECDSA for dns/powerdns and maybe o f ports/169521 astro/weatherspect: Exiting with SIGUse of uninitializ o ports/169519 [net/cvsup] socksify and cvsup cannot be used together o ports/169506 [NEW PORT] devel/pecl-inotify: The inotify extension a o ports/169492 [new port] databases/pecl-sqlite must be restored o ports/169383 New Port: graphics/puf Photographer productivity tool o ports/169371 port graphics/sane-backends segfaults f ports/169333 [PATCH] sysutils/syslog-ng2: move sample config to EXA o ports/169322 New port: net/armsd: SMFv2/ARMS Service Adapter daemon o ports/169314 graphics/ImageMagick fails to build: test failure o ports/169296 New port: textproc/libcrm114 CRM114 C-callable Library f ports/169165 sysutils/fusefs-kmod: calling fchown(2) on sshfs files o ports/169090 New Port: comms/ge-x2212-2 An EEPROM programmer for GE o ports/169074 [NEW PORT] net/jicmp6: ICMPv6 JNI f ports/169043 Add CONFLICTS_INSTALL=fusefs-ntfs to sysutils/ntfsprog f ports/169032 Update net-im/qutim port to 0.3.0 f ports/168935 www/firefox-remote shares PORTNAME with www/firefox o ports/168926 Second '59.xxx' out of range 0..59 at security/snort-r o ports/168861 devel/tkcvs: tkdiff no longer runs correctly f ports/168611 conflict: cad/brlcad: Port shares files with other por o ports/168491 [NEW PORT] www/py27-django-mezzanine: An open source C o ports/168490 [NEW PORT] www/py27-django-mezzanine-grappelli: Fork o s ports/168486 [PATCH] www/sams, warnings "strftime() [function.strft f ports/168466 [PATCH] www/sams, web-interface, needs GetHostnameSam. f ports/168407 [patch] lang/gauche: update to, unbreak o ports/168404 [NEW PORT] databases/dev-sqlite3: This is a developmen o ports/168328 [REPOCOPY] devel/codeblocks --> devel/codeblocks-devel f ports/168319 graphics/qiviewer: Not displaying image jpeg s ports/168215 [PATCH] print/scribus-devel: update to 1.5.0 svn f ports/168161 [PATCH] sysutils/conky: update to 1.9.0 f ports/168160 ports-mgmt/jailaudit doesn't return a non-0 exit code o ports/168141 faild to install lang/ezm3 s ports/167955 [update] graphics/tinyows: Fix dependency to postgis f ports/167950 databases/memcachedb does not work on 10-CURRENT f ports/167691 security/heimdal: problem compiling kerberos/heimdal o ports/167554 security/openssh-portable has some drawbacks f ports/167175 [PATCH] japanese/eb: update to 4.4.3 f ports/167090 sysutils/ezjail: Invalid command line option in ezjail f ports/167074 New Port: www/drupal7-ldap o ports/167042 New port: net-p2p/tahoe-lafs f ports/167031 security/heimdal ignore environment after process call f ports/166987 net/nss_ldap: ports/152982 causes nss_ldap to not func o ports/166826 New port: misc/libphidget The driver for Phidgets devi o ports/166812 New port: mail/bounceHammer o ports/166728 New port: science/fvcom-mpi o ports/166726 New port: science/fvcom o ports/166665 [new port] java/jboss-as: JBoss 7.1 new port o ports/166522 lang/f77: Fortran 77 compiler always exits with error f ports/166417 rc script for net/delegate (ports) f ports/166117 add knobs in math/grace to make features selectable an o ports/166006 Problem with mail/postfix and mail/mailman integration f ports/166004 www/squid31 3.1.19 crashes on first request f ports/165672 sysutils/bacula-server doesn't install all symlinks ne o ports/165586 New port german/lx-office-erp, sql-ledger fork with ex f ports/165361 x11-wm/e17-module-mem counts memory incorrectly f ports/164941 [UPDATE] [NEW PORTS] jamvm/classpath w/o jdk o ports/164306 update mail/mailagent to 3.1.77 and utmpx fix o ports/164277 new port: mail/roundcube-automatic_addressbook o ports/164199 Ports fail to acknowlegde newly created users o ports/164060 net/ucarp doesn't work on FreeBSD 9.0-PRERELEASE o ports/164055 sysutils/zfs-periodic: Test if scrubbing is in process o ports/163955 input packet for interface are counted twice o ports/163850 New port: cad/linux-bricscad f ports/163438 New port: multimedia/mplayer2 f ports/163126 security/sshguard changed from syslog.conf to daemon b o bin/162681 pkg_add(1): new installer does not add doc packages o ports/162510 [patch] Upgrade graphics/OpenEXR to version 1.7.0 o ports/162221 9.0-RC1 new problem building lang/spidermonkey o ports/162045 print/ghostview 1.5_2 coredumps on certain files f ports/161690 New port: games/prboom-plus Port of ID Software's Doom o ports/161578 devel/strace is not working f ports/161278 net/dante: getoutaddr(): address [...] selected, but n f ports/161070 infinite loop for graphics/xfig on 9.0-CURRENT s ports/160993 New port: security/sqlcipher f ports/159242 New port: sysutils/fuse-zip FUSE filesystem to mount Z f ports/159177 sysutils/muse on 8.2-STABLE o ports/159003 devel/cross-gcc attempts to use $PRFIX/../../ranlib on o ports/158983 [NEW PORT] devel/pecl-dtrace: PHP DTrace provider o ports/157544 Updates for databases/linux-oracle-instantclient-* o ports/157107 conflict between mail/p5-Mail-SPF and mail/libspf2 o ports/156834 New port: games/fairymax-devel latest version of games o ports/155941 net/nepenthes: mwserv library support is not included f ports/155898 Update port devel/libthai f ports/155115 devel/doxygen: dependancy loop o ports/152915 russian/xmms v. 1.2.11_12 don't see cdinfo and tag's i o ports/152899 devel/valgrind: unhandled syscall: 506 o ports/151747 new port: emulators/wine-fbsd64: request for (a variat o ports/151280 emulators/vmware-guestd6 port install error in /usr/po o ports/150425 www/squid31: rc.d/squid's squid_fib setting ineffectiv o ports/148996 net/cvsup-mirror doesn't use preassigned UID/GIDs o ports/147788 x11-drivers/xf86-video-radeonhd-devel o ports/147290 graphics/graphviz does not install properly with graph o ports/143723 graphics/dri fails to build after graphics/libdrm upda o ports/140170 net/liveMedia: install shared libraries and thus fix r o ports/103751 databases/linux-oracle-instantclient-sqlplus: ldconfig f ports/57498 HEIMDAL_HOME should be defined in src or ports Makefil 178 problems total. _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"