On 21 July 2012 21:46, Robert Huff <roberth...@rcn.com> wrote:
> Oliver Heesakkers writes:
>>  Please keep in mind that Qt3, KDE3 and all their accompanying
>>  ports (which AFAICT includes arts) are dying a slow and agonizing
>>  death as was announced a little over a year ago:
>>  http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-freebsd/2011-July/011076.html
>         The key words here being "slow and agonizing".  Until someone
> actually provides {Qt, KDE}4 compliant replacements all the way up
> the dependency tree, there are necessary/useful/entertaining
> programs that need version 3.
Well, for me it was easy: arts was the only thing depending on qt3.
Several ports had arts turned on in their options. What I did is
equivalent to this

sudo portmaster --force-config  `pkg_info -qo \`pkg_info -Rq arts-1.5.10_7,1\``
, pkg_deleting arts before entering the password, and making sure arts
is removed from all the configs. Now, no more arts, and no more qt3!
Now I think of it, the second pkg_info to get the origins was
superflouous, but, hey, it worked. But just
sudo portmaster --force-config  `pkg_info -Rq arts-1.5.10_7,1`
should have worked.
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