On 14 July 2012 16:24, Vitaly Magerya <vmage...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris Rees <cr...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> No-one is exempt from timeouts on ports except secteam and portmgr.
> One problem (at least how it appears to me) is that when a PR gets
> automatically assigned to a maintainer who is also a committer, it is
> not automatically unassigned if the person is missing for a few
> months, and other committers ignore the PR because it is already
> assigned.
> This only happened once to me, but it took 6 months for another
> committer to notice it. And that was pretty fast, comparing to, say
> ports/154456 [1], which is open since 2011-02.
> Is automatic unassignment possible?

Technically yes, but it's highly undesirable.  You can feel free to
bring it up here if you think that's happened.

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