On Thursday, July 12, 2012 5:16:41 pm Doug Barton wrote:
> On 07/12/2012 02:11 PM, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> > You might want to view Baptiste's pkgng presentation at BSDCan:
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hxq7AHZ27I
> Sure, the next time I have an hour to spare.
> I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable. One could even
> conclude that answering those 3 questions should have been a
> prerequisite for starting down this road in the first place.

One could also assume that other people in the Project aren't morons and do 
actually put thought into the things they do for starters (you do realize, 
btw, that that is how you come across, that even though you don't intend that, 
constantly questioning decisions made by other people in an accusatory fashion 
gives that impression?  At least adjust your wording to start off with the 
assumption that other people _have_ put thought into things.  Also, when other 
people have taken time to explain an large decision because you are too lazy 
to invest the time doesn't really help your case).

In terms of the first feature (binary upgrades), the truth is that if you have 
more than 5 machines to manage, our current pkg tools completely suck.  There 
is no automated upgrade mechanism.  If you want one you have to write your own 
set of infrastructure to do the right collection of pkg_delete/pkg_adds.  
Certainly there is no support in the current package tools for doing batch 
upgrades (i.e. upgrading from one completely package set to another).  pkgng 
adds that feature, and I find it a must for supporting large installations of 
machines that need automated management.

John Baldwin
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