A few weeks ago, there was talk of how short descriptions of port options were not helpful to users. It also turns out that versions of dialog(1) used before 9.0-RELEASE had a bug that caused too-long descriptions to garble the display.

Another annoyance is that the options window does not take advantage of a larger display space. It is hardcoded to assume an 80x24 display.

With a vast amount of help from Devin Teske, here is a sh(1) wrapper for dialog(1) that attempts to fix these problems.

Note: no changes are made to the ports system or dialog(1).

The readme.txt describes installation, example tests, and possible improvements.


Feedback welcome.

Note: there is an alternate version with a much smaller sh script and a larger, separate awk program. I feel this is much more readable and maintainable than the quoting mess of sh(1). However, it is two files, and arguably more code, and I have not tested it much. These files are in the awk-version directory.
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