On 6/10/2012 4:32 PM, Adam Strohl wrote:
> On 6/11/2012 4:30, Bryan Drewery wrote:
>> On 6/10/2012 4:27 PM, Adam Strohl wrote:
>>> Where/when would this trigger?
>> This could block the upgrade as soon as they try to build it if they
>> already have the ini and do not have a sample file.
> The issue is that most things (ie; people or portupgrade) do a deinstall
> first, then a reinstall.  By the time the Makefile gets called for
> reinstall its too late and in my testing everything is ignored for
> deinstall because it uses the package's archived actions.
> Or would this somehow hook on make deinstall too?

portupgrade builds the port first, then deinstalls and installs.

So I think crees' suggestion will work.

Not sure about portmaster, but I imagine it would do the same, as it
could take *hours* to build and you would be left without the port in
the meantime.

Bryan Drewery

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