On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 02:04:33AM -0700, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> Actually, the problem I'm trying to debug right now is more weird.
> When I run mono via system(3) from the ruby 1.9 process (I mean,
> exactly system(3), not via some ruby wrapper) twice, it hangs on some
> umtx the second time.  This works all the time.
> I'm still trying to track it down in mono, though it's not clear how
> this can happen at all.  Isn't execve(2) used by system(3) is supposed
> to clear everything (mutexes at least)?
Hum... mono hanging... I experience this with Banshee this is why it s
marked IGNORE:

I used to see the mono process in the "STOP" state, but last time I
tried it was in the "umtx" state.  Requesting a backtrace from mono make
it abort, attaching gdb to it also fails.  The problem happenning after
a random amount of time (a few minutes, a few hours) I have not been
able de localise the source of the problem yet.  If you have
experiencing the same problem but can reproduce it, it's a HUGE step
forward!  Can you please provide me a minimal working example ?  I tried
to jack something but it works as expected :-/

| $ cat foo.cs
| using System;
| public static class Foo {
|     public static void Main (string[] args) {
|         Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");
|     }
| }
| $ dmcs foo.cs
| $ /var/www/projects.sigabrt.org/.rvm/bin/ruby --version
| ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-freebsd9.0]
| $ cat foo.rb
| #!/var/www/projects.sigabrt.org/.rvm/bin/ruby
| system("/usr/local/bin/mono foo.exe");
| system("/usr/local/bin/mono foo.exe");
| $ ./foo.rb
| Hello World
| Hello World
| $

Romain Tartière <rom...@freebsd.org>  http://people.FreeBSD.org/~romain/
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