Hi all,

On of the reasons of bsd.options.desc.mk is to be able to share common options
and descriptions, to have better consistency between ports and to have general
meaning descriptions that make more sense, has anyone can improve the
description of an option.

about consistency, I can already see that some options are set in double just
with different name, one of our goal now should be to avoid it is not necessary
and have the option name that make more sense. If I have a look at it now, what
I can see is: 
AAC_DESC?=      Enable support for aac/mp4
MP4_DESC?=      Enable support for mp4

Both added by me :)

In this particular case, I think only one is useful
same goes for;

ID3TAG_DESC?=   Support ID3 v1/v2 tags
ID3_DESC?=      Enable support for id3 tags


Please keep an eye on consistency when it make sense, possibly rename options,
improve descriptions etc.


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