On Sun, 27 May 2012 20:32:14 -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > Hi People, > > I have written a simple port which is in essence a wrapper around the > texlive installation script. It also builds (almost) all of the binaries > from scratch. > > Does anyone have any suggestions? Would anyone mind if this port was > committed? > > There are a number of issues. In particular there is no checksum > calculated for install-tl-unx.tar.gz because I suspect that it changes > very often. > > Also the install-tl-xxxxxxxx script doesn't seem to have a capability to > be run in batch mode. I hacked a way around this, but it could be easily > broken if the script were to change in some unexpected way. > > But it does build and install texlive in a fairly timely manner. And the > result can be made into a (large) package using pkg_create.
Stephen, TeX Live 2011 builds fine for me with this port. Just a few comments: 1. Biber doesn't need compat7x. It works on 7 and above without it. Moreover, the TeX Live's configure script already takes care of the FreeBSD version in the FreeBSD way. Please take a look: http://www.tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Build/source/utils/biber/configure?revision=26215&view=markup lines 3563-3583, or just search for '__FreeBSD_version'. The binaries distributed with the source work on FreeBSD>=701000 and biber will not be installed if older FreeBSD is detected. (I meant that it could be possible to cover FreeBSD-6 with biber binaries distributed over CTAN. But that's not extremely important for now.) 2. fontconfig is a run dependency as well, xetex needs it to run. 3. TeX Live ships with its own portable FreeBSD i386/amd64 xz and wget binaries and install-tl/tlmgr use them. They will not work on FreeBSD<7. Therefore, it could be possible that you need to add xz and wget as build/run dependencies on FreeBSD<7 and on architectures other than i386/amd64, although I haven't checked this. 4. Since the aim of your port is not to create portable binaries, there is no reason not to build xindy. You can freely add '--enable-xindy CLISP=/path to the clisp binary/', and lang/clisp as a build dependency. -- Nikola Lečić = Никола Лечић fingerprint : FEF3 66AF C90E EDC3 D878 7CDC 956D F4AB A377 1C9B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"