On 15 May 2012 16:09, "Dmitry Marakasov" <amd...@amdmi3.ru> wrote:
> Hi!
> There are software versions like, say, 1.1.git20120515, 1.1.beta2, 1.1.rc1

Thanks for following this up; since we discussed this I've been thinking
though-  why put the git bit in anyway?  Does it have anything special
apart from a date marker, and if not, won't a date suffice?

> Historically, there have been a `limitation' of not using strings
> (e.g. two or more consecutive letters) in PORTVERSION. Such versions
> were to put into DISTVERSION instead of PORTVERSION, and the latter
> will be generated by port.mk automatically by replacing strings
> with their first letters (and doing some other mangling), so above
> mentioned versions will become correspondingly 1.1.g20120515, 1.1.b2,
> 1.1.r1.
> I wondered what is the reason for such a limitation, and so far no
> one could answer me (at least or #bsdports). I still want to know
> the reason, or, if there's actually none, we may consider removing
> the limitation at all.
> The limitation seems to be quite virtual as it is, as strings in
> portversions are already handled without problems, I can't find any
> mention of it in the porter's handbook and the only ones who remember
> it seems to be us committers and portlint. Which is even more strange,
> portlint makes exception for /pl[0-9]*/ for some reason:
> if ($portversion =~ /^pl[0-9]*$/ || $portversion =~
/^[0-9]*[A-Za-z]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[A-Za-z]?[0-9+]*)*$/) {
> First, non-reason for this limitation:
> - Strings will be handled incorrectly
> They are handled exactly like letters. pkg_version -t which we use to
> compare versions actually doesn't distinct between f and foo, that is -
> it already does a same thing as port.mk's DISTVERSION->PORTVERSION
> mangling which shortens strings to the first letters.
> As letters are handled nicely (including 1 < 2.a < 2 rule, which is
> very useful for 1 -> 2.beta-> 2), so strings will be.
> And resons for removing it:
> - No real reasons to have it (?)
> - It's not documented (or did I miss it?)
> - Some ports already use strings (and nothing become broken):
> /usr/ports/databases/sybtcl/Makefile:PORTVERSION=       3.0rc2
> /usr/ports/devel/py-diazo/Makefile:PORTVERSION= 1.0rc4
> /usr/ports/dns/bind96/Makefile:PORTVERSION=
> /usr/ports/games/xchomp/Makefile:PORTVERSION=   pl1
> /usr/ports/graphics/linux-gdk-pixbuf/Makefile:PORTVERSION=
> /usr/ports/japanese/xgate/Makefile:PORTVERSION= 3.7pl6
> /usr/ports/java/jboss5/Makefile:PORTVERSION=    5.1.0.GA
> /usr/ports/korean/hpscat/Makefile:PORTVERSION=  1.3jshin
> /usr/ports/multimedia/linux-f10-libtheora/Makefile:PORTVERSION= 1.0rc1
> /usr/ports/net/c3270/Makefile:PORTVERSION=      3.3.12ga7
> /usr/ports/news/cnews/Makefile:PORTVERSION=     cr.g
> /usr/ports/news/husky-msged/Makefile:PORTVERSION=       6.2RC1
> /usr/ports/print/xdvi/Makefile:PORTVERSION=     pl20
> /usr/ports/x11-wm/amiwm/Makefile:PORTVERSION=   0.21.pl2
> /usr/ports/x11-wm/tvtwm/Makefile:PORTVERSION=   pl11
> - Mangled version numbers are not informative. Judging by package
>  version, there's no way to tell if an application just uses letters
>  as a part of its version (like openssl, for example), or you've
>  happened to have alpha/beta/rc or vcs snapshot of a software,
>  which you'll most likely want to update to a proper release as
>  soon as it's available
> - Less confusion in ports as in many cases extra entity can be avoided
> So, if we need this limitation, reason should be given, it should be
> documented, and listed ports fixed. Otherwise, portlint should be fixed
> and we should all march into the bright future of informative version
> numbers :)
> --
> Dmitry Marakasov   .   55B5 0596 FF1E 8D84 5F56  9510 D35A 80DD F9D2 F77D
> amd...@amdmi3.ru  ..:  jabber: amd...@jabber.ru    http://www.amdmi3.ru
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