On 05/06/12 20:59, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

I've logged this failure upstream at

If you figure anything further out, before I fix it, please let me know.

I'd gladly help.
The way to go, IMHO,is to get additional logging; unfortunately I know
nothing about Ruby.

I tried digging this up a little: the problem seems to arise in portsdb.rb, in function "update", when the temp file is moved to /usr/ports/INDEX-7 (or -8 or whatever).

   if not system('/bin/mv', '-f', tmp, index_file)
      STDERR.puts 'failed to overwrite #{index_file}!"'
      raise IndexFileError, "index overwrite error"

Here index_file is nil.
If I replace index_file with "/usr/ports/INDEX-7" (again, or -8, or whatever), everything works fine. Unfortunately, I was not able to find out where that value should come from and how to fix it.

 bye & Thanks
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