13.04.2012, 23:55, "Chris Inacio" <nacho...@gmail.com>:
> On Apr 13, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Freddie Cash <fjwc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Chris Inacio <nacho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  I was recently asked to do some FreeBSD ports support work.  I mostly use a
>>>  Mac and the MacPorts system.  MacPorts has the concept of a variant for a
>>>  port, but I can't find the analogue in the FreeBSD system.
>>>  Does the FreeBSD ports system have the concept of a variant?  If so, can
>>>  someone point me in the right direction on how to create one?
>>  Describing what a "variant" is, how it works in MacPorts, and what you
>>  are trying to do would help a lot.  :)
>>  The closest guess I could make would be "slave port", but I don't
>>  think that works the same way.
> Sorry, you're right.
> For example, a port of say Emacs could have a variant of X11.
> So Emacs or Emacs+X11.
> The X11 variant would (somewhat obviously) include building regular Emacs but 
> also the X11 toolbar etc. while Emacs wouldn't include any X11 features (& 
> dependencies).
> On the Mac, we can build universal binaries (PowerPC, ia32, and x86_64), at 
> the cost of disk space. So we can build almost any package with the 
> +universal variant.
> Is that a reasonable explanation?

Seems like you need makefile options:


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