Am 04.04.2012 14:27, schrieb Jerry:
> On Wed, 4 Apr 2012 07:43:32 -0400
> Robert Huff articulated:
>> Jerry writes:
>>>  GnuTLS v3.0.18 was released on 2012-04-02. The latest port's
>>>  versions are "gnutls-2.12.18" and "gnutls-devel-2.99.4"
>>>  respectively.
>>>  GnuTLS v3.0.18 is considered the latest stable build by the
>>>  authors.  Are there any plans to update the ports system to this
>>>  version. In addition, since the port's "gnutls-devel-2.99.4"
>>>  version is really not the latest experimental version any longer,
>>>  shouldn't it be removed to avoid any confusion?
>>      Looking at the list of ports down-stream, I suspect this will
>> require substantial testing before any upgrade is puvlished.  And
>> that doesn't count ports that may simply be unable to use it.
> The answer then is to simply do what has been done with other ports
> that have numerous major version numbers; i.e. Bash, MySQL, etcetera.
> Create a GnuTLS-2 and a GnuTLS-3 port and maintain the latest versions
> in each respective port. In fact, it is probably the only logical way
> to maintain this port correctly. Perhaps even creating a
> "GNUTLS_DEFAULT_VERSION=3" directive for the "/etc/make.conf" file.
> There are definitely numerous ways to handle this problem.

Yes, there are.

However, we're currently in a state of feature freeze, where we shall
not be making any potentially disruptive and/or sweeping changes like
those if it can be helped.

I suggest that you read the porter's handbook, create the necessary
changes, test them, revise them, and when they're good, submit them.
Chances are that by that time, the feature freeze will have been lifted
so we can go forward.
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