On 30/03/2012 08:57, Kaya Saman wrote: >> You've got both 'register-enable' and 'register-oob' -- you probably >> > don't want both of those, unless you do have an out-of-band method to >> > create user accounts.
> Actually to allow IM clients to register will be better, though later > on when I do a full implementation I will need to authenticate to > either PAM or AD. The point was that 'register-enable' turns on jabberd's internal account creation functions, whereas 'register-oob' says to go to a separate site in order to create the account. If you're using a user database from elsewhere (pam or AD for instance), then you'ld want neither of those options. >> > Presumably you have created the required server x509 certificate. If >> > you're doing it on the cheap, that means a self-signed certificate. In >> > which case there simply won't be a cain of CA certs to worry about. I'd >> > also recommend require-starttls='true' > I don't have an x509 cert, I discovered this though: > > http://www.stanbarber.com/freebsd/creating-self-signed-ssl-certificates-on-freebsd-with-openssl > > Is that what you mean or is the x509 different from the SSL self signed cert? Hmmm... actually that article describes setting up your own Certification Authority. You certainly can do that if you want to -- but I'd recommend using security/tinyca rather than the fairly rudimentary setup using little more than what comes with openssl described above. A self-signed certificate is actually a bit different to what the above would get you. They're both x509 certificates (where x509 means it just adheres to a standard format published by the International Telecomunications Union) -- a "certificate" in cryptography-speak is simply a public key plus some other data describing how it is used, which has been digitally signed to prevent tampering. "self-signed" means that the /private/ key used to sign the certificate is the counterpart to the /public/ key contained in it. You can tell from a self-signed certificate that it hasn't been tampered with, but you have no prima-facie way of telling who the certificate belongs to and whether you should place any trust in it. So this sort of certificate is generally only useful for low value situations or within a small organization where you already know the people behind whatever it is that uses the certificate. Now, all normal certificates are actually self-signed. The difference is that a cert you would buy from a recognised CA is also signed by the CA's private key. This is a way of saying that the certification authority has gone through the due diligence of establishing that you are in fact who you say you are and that by signing the certificate they will vouch for you to third parties[*]. By setting up your own CA you can reliably identify certificates you issued yourself. That's all fine and dandy, but probably over the top for a throwaway key used in development and almost certainly not good enough for a service open to the general public. Anyhow, enough of this essay on public key cryptography. To create a self-signed certificate: 1) Create a new public/private key pair. openssl genrsa -out foo.key 1024 (note: this creates the key *without* a passphrase, which is what you usually want for services like jabber. Since it has no passphrase, it is particularly vulnerable to being stolen, so take care to keep it safe.) 2) Create a 'Certificate Signing Request' -- this is where you enter all the auxiliary data about what the key should be used for. openssl req -new -key foo.key -out foo.csr You'll be prompted for various identifying data. Fill them in as far as you can be bothered -- the only really important one is the 'Common Name' which should be the FQDN of your jabber server. You don't need to fill in 'Email Address' -- that's really only necessary for a certificate used for authentication by a person. Nor do you need to bother with any 'Challenge Password' or optional company name -- those can be used by some CAs as part of their authentication procedures. 3) Sign the public key (part of the contents of the CSR) with its own private key to generate the certificate openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in foo.csr -signkey foo.key -out foo.crt Adjust '-days 365' to taste, as you'll need to repeat this signing step to renew the cert once that period of validity has passed. 4) Specifically for jabberd2, concatenate the key and cert into one file: cat foo.key foo.crt > foo.pem This is an application specific thing: some apps like key and cert together like this, others use separate files for key and cert. Cheers, Matthew [*] Which just begs the question of "who is this CA and why should I trust them to vouch for anyone else?" Well, there's a hierarchy of certification authorities. The CA can itself issue a certificate for its certificate-signing key that is itself signed by some higher CA saying that they are fit and proper people to take that role. And so on, ad nauseam. Eventually you get to the top level, so called 'root' CAs, which are presumed to be so well known by everyone that you can just trust them without further quibble. (Yeah, right.) -- Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey
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