Hi List !

This is my first port, then please do not mind if you find any errors, I'm 
still learning how to create ports ;)

This port is of Luakit (www.luakit.org). Is a light browser (see pkg-desc):

Luakit is a highly configurable, micro-browser framework based on the WebKit 
web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit. It is very fast, extensible by Lua and 
licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license. It is primarily targeted at power users, 
developers and any people with too much time on their hands who want to have 
fine-grained control over their web browsers behaviour and interface.

WWW: http://luakit.org

Please, test this port and if someone wants to adopt and commit to do, I'll be 

Source: http://mundounix.com.br/~gugabsd/luakit-ports.tar.gz

PS: Very thanks garga, is a nice tool !!!


Luiz Gustavo Costa (Powered by BSD)
mundoUnix - Consultoria em Software Livre
ICQ: 2890831 / MSN: cont...@mundounix.com.br
Tel: 55 (21) 4063-7110 / 8194-1905 / (11) 4063-0407
Blog: http://www.luizgustavo.pro.br
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