On 14/03/2012 12:35, David Southwell wrote:
> Does that not produce problems with postfix?
> How do we retain mailwrapper functionality?

When you install postfix, it sets up /etc/mail/mailer.conf so that it
pipes any new mail into postfix.  Or, at least, it tells you what to put
in that file to achieve the required effect.  That's the point of
mailwrapper.  It lets you use whatever MTA you want to without having to
overwrite bits of the base system or make all sorts of non-portable changes.

> spf was working fine until upgrading. What has changed? Atm I have spf turned 
> off until I get this sorted.

That is a completely different problem, and nothing to do with the
presence or absence of mailwrapper as /usr/sbin/sendmail.  It's also
impossible to answer with no more information than "it doesn't work."



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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