On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Jakub Lach <jakub_l...@mailplus.pl> wrote:
> If I recall correctly 'portaudit -Fa' didn't
> change anything for me, and some attempt
> at updating of portaudit bombed after
> portaudit have been already deleted, so
> without pubkey I couldn't install portaudit
> again.
> But I may be wrong, I haven't exactly
> paid attention from the beginning..

While I didn't think it relevant, maybe it is significant that I
always did 'portmaster portaudit and THEN did ' portaudit -F' and
re-ran portmaster. I don't know if portmaster vs. portupdate is
relevant, either. Oddly, if I updated multiple ports (portmaster
portaudit ImageMagick), the last port, regardless of what it was,
reported this error.

Of course, ports updated before portaudit worked, but if portaudit was
the last port to be updated, it failed. If I updated ImageMagick AFTER
portaudit, portaudit succeeded and ImageMagick failed. But, in either
case 'portaudit -F' allowed the remaining port(s) to build and install
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com
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