That's excellent. Thank you, Carsten. I'll update the FreeBSD port to include your patch, and will be watching for the new upstream release.

  CPGhost: thank you for your work to track this down.


On 2012-03-11, Carsten Gnörlich wrote:
Hi C. P. and all,

@Carsten: I hope you can pinpoint the problem. I suspect
a change in FreeBSD's CAM layer API/ABI that causes some
sort of buffer overrun on RELENG_9. The patch points to the
exact line of code that causes dvdisaster 0.72.3 to crash.

Thanks for the report. You're right about the memory
corruption occurring in the line you commented out;
it's a data size mismatch triggered by a size change
in struct scsi_sense_data.

The attached patch corrects the problem.
A new upstream release will be made after some
more testing.


Carsten Gnörlich * Project homepage
dvdisaster: Additional error correction for CD and DVD media.
GnuPG FP: 12B3 1535 AF90 3ADE 9E73  BA7E 5A59 0EFE F5F6 C46C

--- /dev/shm/dvdisaster-0.72.3/scsi-freebsd.c   2011-10-02 20:32:04.000000000 
+++ scsi-freebsd.c      2012-03-11 18:19:09.000000000 +0100
@@ -177,7 +177,6 @@
        Stop("illegal data_mode: %d", data_mode);

   cam_fill_csio(&ccb->csio, 1, NULL, flags, 
buf, size, sizeof(struct scsi_sense_data), cdb_size, 120*1000); /* 120 secs timeout */
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@

   /* Extract sense data */

-   memcpy(sense, &(ccb->csio.sense_data), sizeof(struct scsi_sense_data));
+   memcpy(sense, &(ccb->csio.sense_data), sizeof(Sense));

   if((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) == CAM_REQ_CMP)
     return 0;
@@ -204,8 +203,6 @@
   status = ccb->csio.scsi_status;

   return -1;
- }

#endif /* SYS_FREEBSD */

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