On 03/07/12 22:03, Mark Felder wrote:
> How does the community feel about having multiple mariadb ports like our
> current mysql ports? It would be nice to have mariadb53-{client-server}
> and mariadb55-{client|server} as well, in my opinion.


Something similiar with another letter could be used like 'm' unless of
course mysql,percona,& maria will never share version numbers.

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Philip M. Gollucci (pgollu...@p6m7g8.com) c: 703.336.9354
Member,                           Apache Software Foundation
Committer,                        FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant,                       P6M7G8 Inc.
Director Operations,              Ridecharge Inc.

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.

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