2012/3/1 Eygene Ryabinkin <r...@freebsd.org>

> Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 02:31:06PM +0200, Alexander Yerenkow wrote:
> > I tried to take some time of Philip Paeps, but he is always busy with
> > something. Maybe someone of you guys could be interested in filling
> request
> > for open source license.
> Are you requesting someone to create FreeBSD port for this IDE
> or you meant something else?

I'm sorry to be not clear in hasteness of day!
I think port is not required, they have good enough run.sh which gracefully
understand what is FreeBSD and could start IDE just fine.
What I meant, was that FreeBSD as a project could benefit from applying for
their OpenSource Licensing program, so any commiter/developer could try and
probably work efficiently in this IDE.
Because I'm not committer nor some kind of mentor of project, I can only
point someone to there.

If you go on their site (google intellij), part of "IntelliJ IDEA" > "Buy &
Upgrade" > "Open Source Project License" > Apply Now,
you could learn more on conditions for applying.

So, to summarize this all again: If there are some commiter/responsible
person who can apply - then FreeBSD devs could gain one more IDE to develop
some parts of FreeBSD.

> --
> Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
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Alexander Yerenkow
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