On Sunday 26 February 2012, Royce Williams wrote:
> I really did mean that I was looking for a Rosetta Stone - a reference
> table with these columns:
> * The desired result or task
> * How to do it with portupgrade
> * How to do it with portmaster
> A great example is the (obviously much simpler) equivalent for UNIX-likes:
>     http://bhami.com/rosetta.html
> So far, what I've heard is that the Rosetta Stone I'm looking for does
> not yet exist.  In order to learn it faster, I'll have to build my
> own, especially for features that I won't be using very often.  Maybe
> posting (or crowdsourcing) the results would be useful.

You could begin by looking through /usr/ports/UPDATING

There's a few examples in there. eg updating dependants, setting new origin, 
maybe more.
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