On 02/07/2012 13:18, Freddie Cash wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net> wrote:
>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 9:44 AM, rfl...@acsalaska.net wrote:
>>>> mail/postfix and its derivatives are interactive when ALL of the
>>>> following conditions are true:
>>>> - PACKAGE_BUILDING is undefined
>>>> - /etc/mail/mailer.conf exists
>>>> - /etc/mail/mailer.conf contains a line beginning with 'purgestat'
>>>   - POSTFIX_DEFAULT_MTA is unset
>> Right, but regardless of whether this is set, or what it is set to, the 
>> script still asks a question unless other conditions are met, and only the 
>> default answer (that is displayed along with the query) is affected.  Are 
>> you suggesting that we change the behavior to not ask the question at all, 
>> and just leave mailer.conf alone if the latter variable above is unset, and 
>> always change mailer.conf if it is set?  I just want to make sure I 
>> understand your suggestion.
> Couldn't you add an OPTION for updating mailer.conf? Then, if that
> OPTION is set, update mailer.conf; and if it isn't set, then leave
> mailer.conf alone.

On my package-building system I do not want to twiddle mailer.conf, but
on the systems that I install the package on, I do.



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