On 1/26/12 2:56 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
On the plus side, we have dozens of production FreeBSD VM's running on a
mid-size vSphere 4 development.

On the minus side this is down significantly from this time last year.
We are migrating to FreeBSD-on-KVM as fast as we can because VMware's
support for FreeBSD is as others have described (i.e. bad), and KVM is
coming along nicely. This is especially egregious when you take into
account their steadily increasing pricing models.

OTOH it's worth taking a closer look athttp://callfortesting.org/bhyve/

precisely the 'kick in the pants' we want to give them.

if they want FreeBSD based business, they need to give us some love.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
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