On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 08:14:57PM -0500
  in <CAF6rxg=n1ocjoyfg40k8fkuzbtms8s_r8v7vclocapzfmwq...@mail.gmail.com>
  Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com> wrote:

> 2012/1/16 Nikola Lečić <nikola.le...@anthesphoria.net>:
> > 3) Intentionally no difference between 2- and 3-clause BSD?
> I hope not. We should probably have a BSD2, BSD3, and BSD4 license.
> For now mark it with a comment (or offer a patch to the db file too)

Ok. What should happen with existing BSD in that case?

> > 4) How should I state eg. "LGPL21 or any later version" or "GPL2
> >   only i.e. no later version"?
> > 5) What if licensing info differs for entire source file and actually
> >   installed files? In textproc/kmfl-sil-ezra source file, the font is
> >   licensed OFL and the keyboard layout X11; the port installs only
> >   keyboard layout. Should I state just "MIT" in the Makefile?
> LICENSE_COMB=multi I think

I see, but does 'multi' applies to distfile which is just downloaded
and unzipped or to installed files (and eo ipso to the FreeBSD

Anyway, it wasn't clear from the bsd.licenses.mk that we should use
'multi' in situations of 'any later version'. This means that all
licensing info of eg. GPL2+ ports must be updated when GPL4 appears...

> > 6) I need three new items added to the licenses database because they
> >   should be considered as 'known' licenses and thus belonging to the
> >   'Case 1' in bsd.licenses.mk. There are: Common Public License, SIL
> >   Open Font License and Public Domain [non-license]. I'd gladly
> >   submit a PR, but I'd appreciate if someone could check this first,
> >   especially _LICENSE_GROUPS_* including COPYFREE status.
> Please submit this as a patch in a PR and email me. I'll make sure
> they get added.

Will do.

> Common Public License is not copyfree.
> SIL Open Font License is not copyfree.

Ok, thanks.

> Putting something in the Public Domain doesn't work in any meaningful
> sense and is not a license.

converters/base64 is public domain (see COPYING from its distfile).
Do you mean that Public Domain shouldn't be added to the licenses
database? NetBSD has it.

Nikola Lečić = Никола Лечић
fingerprint : FEF3 66AF C90E EDC3 D878  7CDC 956D F4AB A377 1C9B

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