Hi all,

The zoneminder port has this in its rc script which really should go away:

zm_prestart() {
local _count=0

        while : ; do
                echo "USE zm; SELECT Username from Users where Id=1;" | \
/usr/local/bin/mysqltest -u root zm > /dev/null 2>&1 && return
                _count=$(( $_count + 1 ))
                if [ $_count -gt 10 ]; then
                        err 1 "${name}: mysqltest command failed"

                sleep 1

If you have your mysql install on a different server (which you should if you have tons of cameras and events) the startup fails to work. I can't see a reason why this should be kept, but perhaps someone else has an idea? This isn't a common practice in any other program that requires a database....


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