On 01/05/12 07:10, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 22:31:51 +1000 Da Rock
<freebsd-po...@herveybayaustralia.com.au>  wrote:

I've been advised I should attempt to port this for general use to
FreeBSD. I've been operating it manually very successfully now in a
number of operations. This is, however, my first attempt at a port
and I would like some guidance to see if I've done this right.

I was advised to copy the essential parts from a similar port, so
I've used archivers/linux-f10-ucl. This is my Makefile:

# New ports collection makefile for:    archivers/linux-f10-nss_ldap
# Date created:                2012-01-04
# Whom:                    rskinner
# $FreeBSD$

PORTNAME=        nss_ldap
PORTVERSION=        1.03
CATEGORIES=        security linux
PKGNAMEPREFIX=        linux-f10-

MAINTAINER=        emulat...@freebsd.org
This should be you (if you're willing to maintain the port).
You keep dropping hints like this all the time Alex :)

Honestly, though, I'm not sure whats involved or whether I'm capable of handling the responsibility. This one is not likely to change too much over time, but my skills are probably wanting.
COMMENT=        nss_ldap library (Linux Fedora 10)


USE_LINUX_RPM=        yes
LINUX_DIST_VER=        10
RPMVERSION=        8.fc9
This does not sound like you took a Fedora 10 RPM here, but you
specified in LINUX_DIST_VER that you use Fedora 10.
I wasn't sure exactly what to put there yet, but this was a Makefile for linux-f10-ucl so I thought it would be at least close. The filename is supposed to be nss_ldap-264-6.fc10.i386.rpm.

USE_LDCONFIG=        yes

PLIST_FILES=        usr/lib/libnss_ldap.so.2 usr/lib/libnss_ldap.so 
DOCSDIR=        ${PREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}
DESCR=            ${.CURDIR}/../${PORTNAME}/pkg-descr
You don't need DESCR this way, it looks like this sets it to the same
file (but in a different way) than the default value of DESCR.
I have a pkg-descr file setup. That should be right, isn't it?

And I have a pkg-descr file.

Am I on the right track? I'm following the porters handbook as well.
When doing the "make makesum", please use "make -DPACKAGE_BUILDING
makesum" to get the checkums of the SRPMs recorded too. We are obliged
to provide the GNU sources the same way like the binaries, and IIRC we
have some logic which fetches the SRPMs on tha packaga bulding cluster.
Oh, dear. I'll have to go hunting for them then.
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