Hi Stephen,

I have fixed this issue in the new version of the gdcm port (2.2.0),
which I have committed a few minutes ago.
Thanks for pointing this out!

Kind Regards,

On 2011-Dec-26, 12:51, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> I want to create a port that uses devel/gdcm as a dependency.  But writing:
> LIB_DEPENDS+=   gdcmCommon:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gdcm
> doesn't work.  It does build the port, but it fails to detect that the 
> port is installed.
> I notice that when I type:
> ldconfig -r | grep gdcm
> that it doesn't find the installed libraries.  But this can be fixed by 
> doing
> ln -s libgdcmCommon.so.2.0.18 libgdcmCommon.so.2
> Note that the devel/gdmc port only installs
> libgdcmCommon.so.2.0.18 libgdcmCommon.so.2.0    libgdcmCommon.so
> I contacted the port maintainer a few days ago, and this email is copied 
> to him.  But I would also like to submit a PR that includes a fix so 
> that his job is easier.
> But I am unsure what is the "officially correct" way to fix this?  Is it 
> a bug in ldconfig?  Or should the port create these links?  Or were the 
> original writers of gdcm incorrect when the specify a major version 
> number that includes a period?
> Thanks, Stephen
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Pietro Cerutti
The FreeBSD Project

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