On 12/13/2011 06:16 PM, Andriy Gapon wrote:
on 30/11/2011 22:32 Julien Laffaye said the following:
[1] : https://github.com/pkgng/pkgng/issues
[2] : https://github.com/pkgng/pkgng
[3] : http://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng
[4] : http://people.freebsd.org/~bapt/pkgng-bsdcan2011.pdf
[5] :

[6] :
Couple of questions/suggestions:

1. Do you plan to have a pkgng port to issue the preview releases pkgng?
Current pkgng installation/bootstrap procedure is really easy, but the port 
be even more convenient for prospective testers.
Yes, this is planned. The ports will bootstrap pkgng.

2. Is there a public pre-built package repository with pkgng-format packages 
could be used for testing and getting a taste of a packages-only pkgng-managed 
Unfortunately, no.
I think I now have the resources to do that for the next CFT. But it will only be 9.0 amd64 I am afraid.
We cant build packages for the entire matrix.

Thank you.

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