update to 0.15rc1
diff -ruN py-soya3d/Makefile py-soya3d.new/Makefile
--- py-soya3d/Makefile  2010-04-28 01:58:27.000000000 +0400
+++ py-soya3d.new/Makefile      2011-11-25 14:26:36.000000000 +0400
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
 PORTNAME=      soya3d
+DISTVERSION=   0.15rc1
 CATEGORIES=    graphics python
 MASTER_SITES=  http://download.gna.org/soya/
 DIST_SUBDIR=   python
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@
        @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
                's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|g' -e \
+#Replace bad file (content binary simbols)
+       @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/editor/world.py && \
+       ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/world.py ${WRKSRC}/editor
 .if !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES)
diff -ruN py-soya3d/distinfo py-soya3d.new/distinfo
--- py-soya3d/distinfo  2011-07-03 18:12:02.000000000 +0400
+++ py-soya3d.new/distinfo      2011-11-25 14:24:56.000000000 +0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SHA256 (python/Soya-0.14.tar.bz2) = 
-SIZE (python/Soya-0.14.tar.bz2) = 905659
+SHA256 (python/Soya-0.15rc1.tar.bz2) = 
+SIZE (python/Soya-0.15rc1.tar.bz2) = 910576
 SHA256 (python/SoyaTutorial-0.14.tar.bz2) = 
 SIZE (python/SoyaTutorial-0.14.tar.bz2) = 5223674
diff -ruN py-soya3d/files/patch-setup.py py-soya3d.new/files/patch-setup.py
--- py-soya3d/files/patch-setup.py      2009-04-27 05:16:35.000000000 +0400
+++ py-soya3d.new/files/patch-setup.py  2011-11-25 14:24:56.000000000 +0400
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
---- setup.py   2009-04-22 10:00:23.000000000 -0500
-+++ setup.py   2009-04-22 10:03:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- # Modify the following if needed :
- USE_OPENAL = 1     # use OpenAL
- # Modify the following if needed :
-@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
+--- setup.py.bak       2010-01-19 00:39:57.000000000 +0300
++++ setup.py   2011-11-25 05:43:09.000000000 +0400
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
  INCDIR = [
@@ -17,7 +9,7 @@
-@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
  LIBDIR = [
@@ -26,19 +18,26 @@
        "/opt/local/lib", # For Mac OS X "darwin port"
-@@ -79,11 +80,6 @@
+@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
  SDISTING = ("sdist" in sys.argv[1:]) and not ("--help" in sys.argv[1:])
 -      from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
--      HAVE_PYREX = 1
--      HAVE_PYREX = 0
- # Only enable Pyrex compilation for SVN sources
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".svn")):
-@@ -159,6 +155,7 @@
+-      USE_PYREX = 1
+-except ImportError:
+-      USE_PYREX = 0
+-      print "No Pyrex found"
++#     from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
++#     USE_PYREX = 1
++#except ImportError:
++#     print "No Pyrex found"
+ if USE_PYREX: print "Pyrex compilation enabled!"
+ else:          print "Pyrex compilation disabled."
+@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
diff -ruN py-soya3d/files/world.py py-soya3d.new/files/world.py
--- py-soya3d/files/world.py    1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ py-soya3d.new/files/world.py        2011-11-25 14:24:56.000000000 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+# -*- indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# Soya 3D
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Jean-Baptiste LAMY
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from editobj.observe import *
+import editobj.custom as custom
+import Tkinter, time, weakref
+import soya, soya.opengl, soya.sdlconst, soya.cube as cube, soya.cursor as 
+STEP    = 0.125
+EPSILON = 0.001
+# Additionnal key binding. (A dict mapping key ID to a lambda taking 2 args, 
the root world and the edited object).
+class WorldEditor:
+       def __init__(self, world, dialog):
+               self.active              = 0
+               self.dialog              = dialog
+               self.handles             = []
+               self.vertex_handles      = []
+               self.children_visibility = { world : 1 }
+               self.world = self.current = world
+               self.scene  = soya.World()
+               self.scene.name = "__scene__"
+               self.scene.atmosphere = soya.Atmosphere()
+               self.scene.atmosphere.ambient = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
+               self.camera = soya.Camera(self.scene)
+               self.camera.set_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 5.0)
+               self.camera.rotate_y(45)
+               soya.set_root_widget(self.camera)
+               self.light = soya.Light(self.scene)
+               self.light.set_xyz(0.2, 2.0, 2.2)
+               self.light.top_level = 1
+               self.light.cast_shadow = 0
+               self.cursor = Cursor(self.scene, self.camera, self.handles, 
+               self.cursor.name = "cursor"
+               self.content = soya.World(self.scene)
+               self.content.name = "__content__"
+               self.content.append(world)
+               self.add_handles_for(world)
+               observe_tree(world, self.on_changed)
+               self.last_click  = 0
+               self.camera_mode = 0
+       def add_handles_for(self, item):
+               if   isinstance(item, soya.Sprite):
+                       self.handles.append(PositionHandle(self.content, self, 
+               elif isinstance(item, soya.Face):
+                       for vertex in item.vertices: 
+               elif isinstance(item, soya.CoordSyst):
+                       self.handles.append(PositionHandle   (self.content, 
self, item))
+                       self.handles.append(OrientationHandle(self.content, 
self, item))
+               if   isinstance(item, soya.World) and 
self.children_visibility.get(item, 0):
+                       for subitem in item.children: 
+       def add_handles_for_vertex(self, vertex):
+               if getattr(vertex, "immature", 0): return
+               for handle in self.vertex_handles:
+                       if handle.is_for(vertex): return
+               for handle in self.vertex_handles:
+                       v = handle.vertices[0]
+                       if (v.parent is vertex.parent) and (abs(v.x - vertex.x) 
< EPSILON) and (abs(v.y - vertex.y) < EPSILON) and (abs(v.z - vertex.z) < 
+                               handle.add_vertex(vertex)
+                               return handle
+               else:
+                       handle = VertexHandle(self.content, self, vertex)
+                       self.handles.append(handle)
+                       self.vertex_handles.append(handle)
+       def remove_handles_of(self, item):
+               for handle in self.handles[:]: handle.del_for(item)
+               if   isinstance(item, soya.Face):
+                       for handle in self.vertex_handles[:]:
+                               for vertex in item.vertices: 
+               elif isinstance(item, soya.World):
+                       for subitem in item: self.remove_handles_of(subitem)
+       def select_handles_for(self, item):
+               self.current = item
+               for handle in self.handles:
+                       if handle.is_for(item): handle.select()
+       def children_edited(self, world, visible):
+               self.children_visibility[world] = visible
+               if visible:
+                       for item in world.children:
+                               for handle in self.handles:
+                                       if handle.is_for(item): continue
+                               self.add_handles_for(item)
+               else:
+                       for item in world.children: self.remove_handles_of(item)
+       def on_event(self, event):
+               #print event
+               if   event[0] == soya.sdlconst.MOUSEMOTION:
+                       if soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_CTRL:
+                               self.cursor.grid_step = STEP
+                       else: self.cursor.grid_step = 0.0
+                       if self.camera_mode:
+                               self.camera.turn_y(float(event[3]))
+                               self.camera.turn_x(float(event[4]))
+                       x, y = event[1], event[2]
+                       if   x == 0:                                   
self.camera += soya.Vector(self.camera, -0.1,  0.0, 0.0)
+                       elif x == self.camera.get_screen_width()  - 1: 
self.camera += soya.Vector(self.camera,  0.1,  0.0, 0.0)
+                       if   y == 0:                                   
self.camera += soya.Vector(self.camera,  0.0,  0.1, 0.0)
+                       elif y == self.camera.get_screen_height() - 1: 
self.camera += soya.Vector(self.camera,  0.0, -0.1, 0.0)
+                       self.cursor.mouse_moved(x, y)
+               elif event[0] == soya.sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+                       if event[1] < 3: # Left or middle button
+                               current = time.time()
+                               if current - self.last_click < 0.2:
+                                       self.cursor.button_pressed(2, 
soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT) # Double-click is the same that 
middle click
+                               else:
+                                       self.cursor.button_pressed(event[1], 
soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT)
+                               self.last_click = current
+                       elif event[1] == 3: self.camera_mode = 1
+               elif event[0] == soya.sdlconst.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+                       if self.camera_mode:
+                               if   event[1] == 3: self.camera_mode = 0
+                               elif event[1] == 4: self._zoom(-1.0)
+                               elif event[1] == 5: self._zoom( 1.0)
+                       else:
+                               if   event[1] <  3: 
+                               elif event[1] == 4: 
+                               elif event[1] == 5: self.cursor.mouse_rolled( 
+               elif event[0] == soya.sdlconst.KEYDOWN:
+                       # Page up, page down
+                       if   event[1] == 280: self.cursor.mouse_rolled(-1 - 9 * 
(soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT))
+                       elif event[1] == 281: self.cursor.mouse_rolled( 1 + 9 * 
(soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT))
+                       # Left, right, up, down
+                       elif event[1] == 276: self.camera += 
soya.Vector(self.camera, -1.0 - 9.0 * (soya.get_mod() & 
soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT),  0.0, 0.0)
+                       elif event[1] == 275: self.camera += 
soya.Vector(self.camera,  1.0 + 9.0 * (soya.get_mod() & 
soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT),  0.0, 0.0)
+                       elif event[1] == 273: self.camera += 
soya.Vector(self.camera,  0.0,  1.0 + 9.0 * (soya.get_mod() & 
soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT), 0.0)
+                       elif event[1] == 274: self.camera += 
soya.Vector(self.camera,  0.0, -1.0 - 9.0 * (soya.get_mod() & 
soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT), 0.0)
+                       # o : toggle ortho camera
+                       elif event[1] == 111:
+                               self.camera.ortho = not self.camera.ortho
+                               self.camera.fov = 60.0
+                       # +, - : zoom
+                       elif event[1] == 270: self._zoom(-1.0 - 9 * 
(soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT))
+                       elif event[1] == 269: self._zoom( 1.0 + 9 * 
(soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT))
+                       # 4, 6, 8, 2, 5, 0 : predefined views
+                       elif event[1] == 260:
+                               a, b = self.world.get_box()
+                               cameray, cameraz = self.camera.y, self.camera.z
+                               self.camera.set_identity()
+                               self.camera.set_xyz(min((a % self.scene).x, (b 
% self.scene).x) - 3.0, cameray, cameraz)
+                               self.camera.look_at(soya.Vector(None,  1.0,  
0.0,  0.0))
+                       elif event[1] == 262:
+                               a, b = self.world.get_box()
+                               cameray, cameraz = self.camera.y, self.camera.z
+                               self.camera.set_identity()
+                               self.camera.set_xyz(max((a % self.scene).x, (b 
% self.scene).x) + 3.0, cameray, cameraz)
+                               self.camera.look_at(soya.Vector(None, -1.0,  
0.0,  0.0))
+                       elif event[1] == 264:
+                               a, b = self.world.get_box()
+                               camerax, cameraz = self.camera.x, self.camera.z
+                               self.camera.set_identity()
+                               self.camera.set_xyz(camerax, max((a % 
self.scene).y, (b % self.scene).y) + 3.0, cameraz)
+                               self.camera.look_at(soya.Vector(None,  0.0, 
-1.0,  0.0))
+                       elif event[1] == 258:
+                               a, b = self.world.get_box()
+                               camerax, cameraz = self.camera.x, self.camera.z
+                               self.camera.set_identity()
+                               self.camera.set_xyz(camerax, min((a % 
self.scene).y, (b % self.scene).y) - 3.0, cameraz)
+                               self.camera.look_at(soya.Vector(None,  0.0,  
1.0,  0.0))
+                       elif event[1] == 261:
+                               a, b = self.world.get_box()
+                               camerax, cameray = self.camera.x, self.camera.y
+                               self.camera.set_identity()
+                               self.camera.set_xyz(camerax, cameray, min((a % 
self.scene).z, (b % self.scene).z) - 3.0)
+                               self.camera.look_at(soya.Vector(None,  0.0,  
0.0,  1.0))
+                       elif event[1] == 256:
+                               a, b = self.world.get_box()
+                               camerax, cameray = self.camera.x, self.camera.y
+                               self.camera.set_identity()
+                               self.camera.set_xyz(camerax, cameray, max((a % 
self.scene).z, (b % self.scene).z) + 3.0)
+                               self.camera.look_at(soya.Vector(None,  0.0,  
0.0, -1.0))
+                       # q, t : new quad, new triangle
+                       elif event[1] == 113:
+                               if hasattr(self.current, "children"): into = 
+                               else:                                 into = 
+                               into.append(soya.Quad())
+                       elif event[1] == 116:
+                               if hasattr(self.current, "children"): into = 
+                               else:                                 into = 
+                               into.append(soya.Triangle())
+                       else:
+                               if KEY_BINDINGS.has_key(event[1]):
+                                       KEY_BINDINGS[event[1]](self.world, 
+       def _zoom(self, z):
+               if self.camera.ortho: self.camera.fov = self.camera.fov * (1.0 
+ z / 10.0)
+               else:                 self.camera += soya.Vector(self.camera, 
0.0, 0.0, z)
+       def render(self):
+               if self.active:
+                       self.scene.begin_round()
+                       self.scene.advance_time(1.0)
+                       self.scene.begin_round()
+                       self.scene.advance_time(1.0)
+                       self.scene.begin_round()
+                       self.scene.advance_time(1.0)
+                       self.scene.begin_round()
+                       self.scene.advance_time(1.0)
+                       self.scene.begin_round()
+                       self.scene.advance_time(1.0)
+                       soya.render()
+       def activate(self, event = None):
+               if not self.active:
+                       self.active = 1
+                       soya.set_root_widget(self.camera)
+                       soya.cursor_set_visible(0)
+                       self.auto_render()
+       def auto_render(self):
+               for event in soya.coalesce_motion_event(soya.process_event()): 
+               self.render()
+               self.cancel = self.dialog.after(150, self.auto_render)
+       def deactivate(self, event = None):
+               if self.active:
+                       self.active = 0
+                       soya.cursor_set_visible(1)
+                       self.dialog.after_cancel(self.cancel)
+       def on_changed(self, obj, type, new, old):
+               if type is list:
+                       for item in new:
+                               if not item in old:
+                                       self.add_handles_for(item)
+                                       if isinstance(item, soya.Face):
+                                               for vertex in item.vertices:
+                                                       if getattr(vertex, 
"immature", 0):
self.cursor.manage_click(FaceClickManager(self, item))
+                                                               break
+                                       elif hasattr(item.__class__, 
self.cursor.manage_click(item.__class__.__clickmanager__(self, item))
+                       for item in old:
+                               if not item in new: self.remove_handles_of(item)
+               else:
+                       if (not hasattr(obj, "children")) and (not hasattr(obj, 
+                               unobserve_tree(obj, self.on_changed)
+RED    = soya.Material(); RED   .diffuse = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+GREEN  = soya.Material(); GREEN .diffuse = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+BLUE   = soya.Material(); BLUE  .diffuse = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+YELLOW = soya.Material(); YELLOW.diffuse = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+def build_handles():
+       red_cube    = cube.Cube(None, RED);    red_cube   .scale(STEP, STEP, 
+       green_cube  = cube.Cube(None, GREEN);  green_cube .scale(STEP, STEP, 
+       blue_cube   = cube.Cube(None, BLUE);   blue_cube  .scale(STEP, STEP, 
+       yellow_cube = cube.Cube(None, YELLOW); yellow_cube.scale(STEP, STEP, 
+       RED_HANDLE    = red_cube   .to_model()
+       GREEN_HANDLE  = green_cube .to_model()
+       BLUE_HANDLE   = blue_cube  .to_model()
+       YELLOW_HANDLE = yellow_cube.to_model()
+class Cursor(cursor.Cursor):
+       def __init__(self, parent = None, camera = None, handles = None, light 
= None):
+               cursor.Cursor.__init__(self, parent, camera, GREEN_HANDLE)
+               self.handles        = handles
+               self.draging        = 0
+               self.light          = light
+               self.click_managers = []
+       def manage_click(self, click_manager):
+               self.click_managers.append(click_manager)
+       def move(self, pos): self.add_vector(self >> pos)
+       def add_vector(self, dep):
+               cursor.Cursor.add_vector(self, dep)
+               for handle in self.handles: handle.cursor_moved(self, 
self.is_near, dep)
+               self.light.move(self)
+               if self.click_managers:
+                       if not self.click_managers[-1].on_motion(self): del 
+       __iadd__ = add_vector
+       def is_near(self, position): return position.distance_to(self) < STEP
+       def near(self, a, b): return ((self.distance_to(a) < 
self.distance_to(b)) and a) or b
+       def button_pressed(self, button, multiselect = 0):
+               if   button == 1:
+                       pred = self.is_near
+                       print "%s, %s, %s" % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
+               else:             pred = self.is_under_tester(STEP)
+               if self.click_managers:
+                       if not self.click_managers[-1].on_click(self): del 
+               else:
+                       handles = filter(pred, self.handles)
+                       if handles:
+                               handle = min(map(lambda handle: 
(self.distance_to(handle), handle), handles))[1]
+                               # move the cursor at the handle's Z (in the 
camera coordinate system)
+                               mouse = self % self.camera
+                               self.mouse_rolled((handle % self.camera).z - 
+                               handle.select()
+                               if not multiselect:
+                                       for h in self.handles:
+                                               if not h is handle: 
+                       else:
+                               for h in self.handles: h.highlight(0)
+                       self.draging = 1
+       def button_released(self, button):
+               for handle in self.selected_handles():
+                       handle.cursor_endmove(self)
+               if self.click_managers:
+                       if not self.click_managers[-1].on_release(self): del 
+               else: self.draging = 0
+       def selected_handles        (self): return filter(lambda handle: 
handle.selected   , self.handles)
+       def highlighted_handles     (self): return filter(lambda handle: 
handle.highlighted, self.handles)
+       def highlighted_only_handles(self): return filter(lambda handle: 
handle.highlighted and not handle.selected, self.handles)
+       def nearest_selected_handle(self):
+               selected_handles = self.selected_handles()
+               return selected_handles and min(map(lambda handle: 
(self.distance_to(handle), handle), selected_handles))[1]
+       def over_handle(self):
+               handles = self.highlighted_only_handles()
+               return handles and min(map(lambda handle: 
(self.distance_to(handle), handle), handles))[1]
+class ClickManager:
+       def on_motion(self, cursor):
+               """Called when the cursor is moved. Must returns true if this 
manager is still usefull, or false if this manager's task is achieved."""
+               return 1
+       def on_click(self, cursor):
+               """Called when the cursor is clicked. Must returns true if this 
manager is still usefull, or false if this manager's task is achieved."""
+               return 1
+       def on_release(self, cursor):
+               """Called when the cursor is released. Must returns true if 
this manager is still usefull, or false if this manager's task is achieved."""
+               return 1
+class FaceClickManager(ClickManager):
+       def __init__(self, editor, face):
+               self.editor = editor
+               self.face   = face
+       def on_motion(self, cursor):
+               i = 0
+               while not getattr(self.face.vertices[i], "immature", 0): i = i 
+ 1
+               while i < len(self.face.vertices):
+                       self.face.vertices[i].parent = self.face.parent
+                       self.face.vertices[i].move(cursor)
+                       i = i + 1
+               return 1
+       def on_click(self, cursor):
+               i = 0
+               while not getattr(self.face.vertices[i], "immature", 0): i = i 
+ 1
+               vertex = self.face.vertices[i]
+               del vertex.immature
+               handle = cursor.over_handle()
+               if handle:
+                       if isinstance(handle, VertexHandle):
+                               handle.add_vertex(self.face.vertices[i])
+                       else:
+                               self.face.vertices[i].parent = self.face.parent
+                               self.face.vertices[i].move(handle)
+                               self.editor.add_handles_for_vertex(vertex)
+               else:
+                       self.face.vertices[i].parent = self.face.parent
+                       self.face.vertices[i].move(cursor)
+                       self.editor.add_handles_for_vertex(vertex)
+               return i < len(self.face.vertices) - 1
+class MoveClickManager(ClickManager):
+       def __init__(self, editor, item):
+               self.editor = editor
+               self.item   = item
+       def on_motion(self, cursor):
+               self.item.move(cursor)
+               return 1
+       def on_click(self, cursor):
+               handle = cursor.over_handle()
+               if handle:
+                       self.item.move(handle)
+               else:
+                       self.item.move(cursor)
+               return 0
+# List of 3D items' classes that are positionned at the next mouse click's 
+class Handle(soya.Body):
+       def __init__(self, parent, editor = None):
+               soya.Body.__init__(self, parent, self.NATURAL)
+               self.editor      = editor
+               self.selected    = 0
+               self.highlighted = 0
+               self.ideal       = soya.Point(parent)
+       def del_for(self, item):
+               if self.is_for(item):
+                       self.parent.remove(self)
+                       self.editor.handles.remove(self)
+                       return 1
+       def highlight(self, value = 1):
+               self.highlighted = value
+               if value:
+                       self.set_model(GREEN_HANDLE)
+               else:
+                       if self.selected: self.select(0)
+                       self.set_model(self.NATURAL)
+       def select(self, value = 1):
+               self.selected = value
+               if value:
+                       if not self.highlighted: self.highlight(1)
+       def cursor_moved(self, cursor, pred, dep):
+               if self.selected:
+                       if cursor.draging:
+                               self.ideal += dep
+                               if cursor.grid_step:
+                                       pos   = self.ideal.copy()
+                                       step  = cursor.grid_step
+                                       d     = step / 2.0
+                                       pos.x = ((pos.x + d) // step) * step
+                                       pos.y = ((pos.y + d) // step) * step
+                                       pos.z = ((pos.z + d) // step) * step
+                                       self.move(pos)
+                               else: self.move(self.ideal)
+               else:
+                       if self.highlighted:
+                               if not pred(self): self.highlight(0)
+                       elif pred(self): self.highlight()
+       def cursor_endmove(self, cursor): pass
+class PositionHandle(Handle):
+       def __init__(self, parent, editor, position):
+               Handle.__init__(self, parent, editor)
+               self.position = position
+               self.ideal.move(position)
+               Handle.move(self, position)
+               observe(position, self.on_changed)
+               world = position.parent
+               while world:
+                       observe(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+       def is_for (self, item): return item is self.position
+       def move(self, position):
+               Handle.move(self, position)
+               self.position.move(position)
+       def add_vector(self, vector):
+               Handle.add_vector(self, vector)
+               self.position.add_vector(vector)
+       __iadd__ = add_vector
+       def on_changed(self, obj, type, new, old):
+               if type is object:
+                       if (new["x"] != old["x"]) or (new["y"] != old["y"]) or 
(new["z"] != old["z"]):
+                               Handle.move(self, obj)
+                               self.ideal.move(obj)
+                       if new["parent"] != old["parent"]:
+                               self.update_hierarchy(new["parent"], 
+                               Handle.move(self, self.position)
+                               self.ideal.move(obj)
+       def on_parent_changed(self, obj, type, new, old):
+               if type is object:
+                       if (new["x"] != old["x"]) or (new["y"] != old["y"]) or 
(new["z"] != old["z"]):
+                               Handle.move(self, self.position)
+                               self.ideal.move(self.position)
+                       if new["parent"] != old["parent"]:
+                               self.update_hierarchy(new["parent"], 
+                               Handle.move(self, self.position)
+                               self.ideal.move(self.position)
+       def update_hierarchy(self, newparent, oldparent):
+               world = oldparent
+               while world:
+                       unobserve(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+               world = newparent
+               while world:
+                       observe(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+       def __repr__(self): return "<PositionHandle for %s>" % (self.position,)
+class VertexHandle(Handle):
+       def __init__(self, parent, editor, vertex):
+               Handle.__init__(self, parent, editor)
+               self.vertices = [vertex]
+               Handle.move(self, vertex)
+               self.ideal.move(vertex)
+               observe(vertex, self.on_changed)
+               world = vertex.parent
+               while world:
+                       observe(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+       def is_for(self, item):
+               for vertex in self.vertices:
+                       if vertex is item: return 1
+               return 0
+       def del_for(self, item):
+               for vertex in self.vertices:
+                       if vertex is item:
+                               self.vertices.remove(vertex)
+                               unobserve(vertex, self.on_changed)
+                               if not self.vertices:
+                                       self.parent.remove(self)
+                                       self.editor.handles.remove(self)
+                                       self.editor.vertex_handles.remove(self)
+       def del_for_all(self):
+               for vertex in self.vertices:
+                       unobserve(vertex, self.on_changed)
+               self.parent.remove(self)
+               self.editor.handles.remove(self)
+       def move(self, position):
+               Handle.move(self, position)
+               for vertex in self.vertices: vertex.move(position)
+       def add_vector(self, vector):
+               Handle.add_vector(self, vector)
+               for vertex in self.vertices:
+                       vertex.add_vector(vector)
+       __iadd__ = add_vector
+       def on_changed(self, obj, type, new, old):
+               if type is object:
+                       if (new["x"] != old["x"]) or (new["y"] != old["y"]) or 
(new["z"] != old["z"]):
+                               if len(self.vertices) == 1:
+                                       Handle.move(self, obj)
+                                       self.ideal.move(obj)
+                               else:
+                                       self.give_up_vertex(obj)
+                       if new["parent"] != old["parent"]: 
+       def on_parent_changed(self, obj, type, old, new):
+               if type is object:
+                       if (new["x"] != old["x"]) or (new["y"] != old["y"]) or 
(new["z"] != old["z"]):
+                               Handle.move(self, self.vertices[0])
+                               self.ideal.move(self.vertices[0])
+                       elif new["parent"] != old["parent"]:
+                               self.update_hierarchy(new["parent"], 
+                               Handle.move(self, self.vertices[0])
+                               self.ideal.move(self.vertices[0])
+       def update_hierarchy(self, newparent, oldparent):
+               world = oldparent
+               while world:
+                       unobserve(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+               world = newparent
+               while world:
+                       observe(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+       def add_vertex(self, vertex):
+               vertex.parent = self.vertices[0].parent
+               vertex.move(self)
+               self.vertices.append(vertex)
+               observe(vertex, self.on_changed)
+       def give_up_vertex(self, vertex):
+               self.del_for(vertex)
+               self.editor.add_handles_for_vertex(vertex)
+       def cursor_endmove(self, cursor):
+               handle = cursor.over_handle()
+               if handle:
+                       if isinstance(handle, VertexHandle):
+                               self.del_for_all()
+                               for vertex in self.vertices: 
+                       else:
+                               self.move(handle)
+       def __repr__(self): return "<VertexHandle for %s>" % (self.vertices,)
+class OrientationHandle(Handle):
+       def __init__(self, parent, editor, orientation):
+               Handle.__init__(self, parent, editor)
+               self.orientation = orientation
+               self.place()
+               self.ideal.move(soya.Point(orientation, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
+               observe(orientation, self.on_changed)
+               world = orientation.parent
+               while world:
+                       observe(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+       def is_for (self, item): return item is self.orientation
+       def place(self): Handle.move(self, soya.Point(self.orientation, 0.0, 
0.0, -1.0))
+       def move(self, position):
+               if soya.get_mod() & soya.sdlconst.MOD_SHIFT:
+                       position = soya.Point(position.parent, position.x, 
position.y, position.z)
+                       position.convert_to(self.orientation.parent)
+                       position.y = self.orientation.y
+               self.orientation.look_at(position)
+               self.place()
+       def add_vector(self, vector):
+               self.move(self.position() + vector)
+       __iadd__ = add_vector
+       def on_changed(self, obj, type, new, old):
+               if type is object:
+                       if (new["x"] != old["x"]) or (new["y"] != old["y"]) or 
(new["z"] != old["z"]):
+                               self.place()
+                               self.ideal.move(self)
+                       if new["parent"] != old["parent"]:
+                               self.update_hierarchy(new["parent"], 
+                               self.ideal.move(self)
+                               self.place()
+       def on_parent_changed(self, obj, type, new, old):
+               if type is object:
+                       if (new["x"] != old["x"]) or (new["y"] != old["y"]) or 
(new["z"] != old["z"]):
+                               self.place()
+                               self.ideal.move(self)
+                       if new["parent"] != old["parent"]:
+                               self.update_hierarchy(new["parent"], 
+                               self.place()
+                               self.ideal.move(self)
+       def update_hierarchy(self, newparent, oldparent):
+               world = oldparent
+               while world:
+                       unobserve(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+               world = newparent
+               while world:
+                       observe(world, self.on_parent_changed)
+                       world = world.parent
+       def __repr__(self): return "<OrientationHandle for %s>" % 
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