Doug Barton:
> On 11/16/2011 05:03, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > I tend to believe that network-less build environments are not
> > representative for the environment where an Internet MTA would run,
> > but hey, what do I know.
> I think you're right that having a network makes the MTA more useful. :)
>  However given the prevalence and popularity of pre-packaged software in
> the Unix world it's probably worth thinking about what parts of the
> build/configuration process need to be done at build time, and what
> parts should be done at run time.
> Not only do I work on the FreeBSD project generally, I also maintain a
> package building system that we use at $JOB to install packages on the
> various remote hosts. Having those packages do the right thing even if
> the package builder and the remote systems don't have identical
> configurations is a huge advantage.
Yup, hence my request for the immensely helpful information about
your build environment. Obviously, yours differs from mine; addressing
this in a responsible manner requires that I can reproduce conditions
that are currently unspecified ("no network" is too vague).

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