===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>  License LGPL3 accepted by the user
=> patch02 doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles//mpfr-3.1.0.
=> Attempting to fetch http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/patch02
fetch: transfer timed out
=> Attempting to fetch 
fetch: ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/mpfr-3.1.0/patch02: 
File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
=> port manually into /usr/ports/distfiles//mpfr-3.1.0 and try again.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/math/mpfr.

Is the double slash in the path an error?

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 331 5944
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