from Michael Holmes <>:

> HAL shouldn't be necessary, but you might need to manually set up
> CUPS. Winemaker is just a tool for building open-source Windows apps
> on Wine with ease. There are a few GUI tools to set up CUPS, but if I
> recall correctly, the web interface to CUPS is pretty
> self-explanatory. HP do have a nice GUI called HPLIP for utilising
> their printers on Linux (and ported to FreeBSD) available on ports as
> print/hplip, but it doesn't work with the GENERIC console config, and
> seems to be quite awkward to set up (you apparently cannot load USB
> mass storage until the printer is 'adopted' by the generic USB stack).

I don't know what you mean by "adopted" (by the generic USB stack): seems 
mystic to me.

CUPS would be necessary to setup printing for BSD and Linux, but would it be 
necessary when using Wine and going the MS-Windows way?

Package message said that ulpt had to be turned off in kernel config and not 
loaded as a module.

On the older computer, I tried unsuccessfully to setup the printer last June 29 
from both NetBSD and FreeBSD, using hplip in both cases.  Predominant message 
was "No devices found".

NetBSD pkgsrc had only an outdated hpijs, but pkgsrc-wip 
( had hplip.  Message said also to disable 
umass, but that was too harsh, and prevented recognizing USB sticks.

Would Linux offer a better chance with hplip than BSD?  I tried also with Linux 
(Slackware 13.0), but hplip version was behind, and that failed.

There is also the Ethernet option with the printer, but I need an Ethernet 
switch or additional router for that, which I intend to order.

First attempt to build hplip on the new computer failed due to libieee1284 
dependency being for i386 only.  Subsequently I turned off that option after 
finding it was for parallel-port scanners only, not USB.


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