W dniu 2011-09-15 20:37, Chad Perrin pisze:

> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 08:46:10PM +0200, Łukasz Wąsikowski wrote:
>> W dniu 2011-09-15 20:08, Chad Perrin pisze:
>>> If there was something broken with a FreeBSD port (a relative
>>> rarity), it would fail to install, leaving me with the older
>>> version.  If there was something wrong with a Gentoo port, I'd end
>>> up with a broken install.
>> That's true. But I've got probably less then 5 situations when Gentoo
>> port broke that way. Overall experience of every day portage use is
>> just plain better. I hope for some changes in FreeBSD's ports system,
>> we know where to look for some good ideas.
> It seems we have different priorities.  I *hate* having a software update
> break my software.  I would rather go through an extra step or two when
> updating my software if it means I won't get an update that makes the
> software unusable.

I'm not saying that portage is perfect, I'm just saying FreeBSD could
grab some good things from it. Recent gdbm update broke some systems,
because IIRC maintainer forgot to check all dependencies or mention it
in UPDATING. Shared library bumps in Gentoo always comes with "after
install" info about necessary revdep-rebuild run, so those kinds of
trouble are avoided.

BTW: You hate having a software update break your software. I hate when
software updates turn off services on my servers. That's another thing
portage do better - update won't turn off any service. You are supposed
to restart services manually after doing etc-update. Speaking of which -
another good idea worth adopting.

best regards,
Lukasz Wasikowski
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